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Автор - Сюзи Уэлч

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Welch attended Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard College, and Harvard Business School, from which she graduated as a Baker Scholar, in the top five percent of her class. She started her career as a reporter with the Miami Herald and then with the Associated Press. After business school, her professional experience included several years at Bain & Company, a management consulting firm based in Boston, where she focused on manufacturing clients. She later was named editor in chief of the Harvard Bu...

Welch attended Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard College, and Harvard Business School, from which she graduated as a Baker Scholar, in the top five percent of her class.
She started her career as a reporter with the Miami Herald and then with the Associated Press. After business school, her professional experience included several years at Bain & Company, a management consulting firm based in Boston, where she focused on manufacturing clients. She later was named editor in chief of the Harvard Business Review. Although she has written a novel, she is probably best known as the writer and editor of numerous books and articles dealing with leadership, organizational change, and human resource management.
In early 2002, she was forced to resign from the Harvard Business Review after admitting to an affair with the then-married Jack Welch, the former chief executive officer of General Electric, while preparing an interview with him for the magazine.[1] The affair was brought to the attention of the Review by Jane Beasley, Welch's second wife.[2] Jack Welch divorced and then the couple married, and she had the interview pulled before it appeared in the Business Review.[3]
Together with her husband, Suzy is co-author of the #1 international bestseller Winning, its companion volume, Winning: The Answers, and "The Welch Way," a weekly column on business and career challenges that appeared in BusinessWeek magazine from 2005-2009 and that was published in 45 major newspapers across the globe by The New York Times Syndicate. In 2010, the Welches launched an online MBA program through Chancellor University.
On her own, Suzy has written extensively about work-life balance and other cultural issues for publications ranging from O, The Oprah Magazine to the Wall Street Journal. In addition, her candid commentary has made her a popular commentator on television programs including Good Morning America, The View, Morning Joe, Your World With Neil Cavuto, and Power Lunch.
Suzy is the mother of 4 teenage children (from earlier relationships) and lives in New York City. She serves on the board of several non-profit organizations in the fields of education and homelessness. Suzy is also on the advisory board of the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University, which offers an Executive MBA and a selection of Executive Certificate programs based on the business practices and philosophies of Jack Welch.

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Творчество Сюзи Уэлч

На нашем сайте представлены 7 книг автора Сюзи Уэлч. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

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Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career at General Electric, he led the company to year-after-year success around the globe in multiple markets and against brutal competition. His honest, be the best style of management became the gold standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork and profits. Since Jack retired in 2001 as chairman and CEO, he has travelle...

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