Полное имя автора: Гвендолин Фейт Хантер (Gwendolyn Faith Hunter). Издавалась также как: Гвен Хантер (Gwen Hunter), Фейт Хантер (Faith Hunter). Издавалась в соавторстве с Гэри Левейллом (Gary Leveille) как Гэри Хантер (Gary Hunter).Гвендолин Фейт Хантер — американская писательница, специализирующаяся на фэнтези (под именем Фейт Хантер) и приключенческих боевиках, детективах и триллерах (под именем Гвен Хантер). Она родилась в Луизиане 15 августа 1956 года в семье художницы-декоратора и инженера,...
Полное имя автора: Гвендолин Фейт Хантер (Gwendolyn Faith Hunter). Издавалась также как: Гвен Хантер (Gwen Hunter), Фейт Хантер (Faith Hunter). Издавалась в соавторстве с Гэри Левейллом (Gary Leveille) как Гэри Хантер (Gary Hunter).Гвендолин Фейт Хантер — американская писательница, специализирующаяся на фэнтези (под именем Фейт Хантер) и приключенческих боевиках, детективах и триллерах (под именем Гвен Хантер). Она родилась в Луизиане 15 августа 1956 года в семье художницы-декоратора и инженера, выросла на юге США, а в настоящее время живет в Южной Каролине. В старших классах школы она начала пробовать писать стихи и сочинять рассказы. После окончания школы она поступила в местный технический колледж, где получила диплом медтехника (Allied Health Technology). Однажды во время ночного дежурства она не познакомилась и не разговорилась с полицейским Гэри Левейллом (Gary Leveille), который, как оказалось, тоже мечтал писать книги и был прирожденным рассказчиком. Они решили попробовать сочинять вместе под псевдонимом Гэри Хантер (Gary Hunter). Через некоторое время в издательстве «Warner Books» вышла их первая книга — приключенческий боевик «Death Warrant» (1990). Под именем Гвен Хантер (Gwen Hunter), писательница соло написала триллер «Betrayal» (1994), который был переиздан в Англии под названием «Stolen Children» и получил британскую «W.H. Smith Award» как лучший дебютный роман. Гвен Хантер также написала цикл триллеров о враче скорой помощи Реа Линч («Rhea Lynch, M.D.»). Внецикловой роман писательницы «Sleep Softly» (2008; получил «Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award» был отмечен как лучший современный детектив 2008 года. Писательница живет в Южной Каролине и все еще работает в лаборатории сельской больницы. Она любит историю и античную литературу, обожает НФ и фэнтези. Среди своих хобби она называет изготовление ювелирных украшений, занятия йогой, тяжелую атлетику и чтение. Вместе со своим мужем Робом Хантером (Rod Hunter) она занимается рафтингом, а также много путешествует на автомашине по юго-западу США.Родившись в Луизиане, Фейт провела свое детство среди рек, обучаясь искусству выживания и тому, что должен знать настоящей сорванец. Она любила лошадей, собак, рыбалку и ругалась покрепче любой девчонки. Да и сейчас за словом в карман не лезет. Но еще более ее увлекала история и старинные документы, возможно, потому что таким образом она смогла составить генеалогическое древо своей семьи вплоть до эпохи покорения Англии Вильгельмом Завоевателем в 1066 году, а затем и до Сехой Третьей, принцессы Американских индейцев, а затем она вышла к гену couleur libre – «свободного цвета», гену свободных людей из Нового Орлеана времен Гражданской войны.Девчонкой она влюбилась в фэнтези и научную фантастику, читала по пять книг в неделю и мечтала о том, чтобы «писать вот такое крутое чтиво». Учителя в старших классах убеждали Фейт в том, что она вполне способна это сделать, с тех пор она и пишет с неубывающим стремлением к идеальным сценам драк, победе над злом и людям как неотъемлемым участникам любой схватки.
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На нашем сайте представлены 11 книг автора Фейт Хантер. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
For a vampire killer like Jane, having Leo Pellisier as a boss took some getting used to. But now, someone is out to take his place as Master Vampire of the city of New Orleans, and is not afraid to go through Jane to do it. After an attack that’s tantamount to a war declaration, Leo knows his rival is both powerful and vicious, but Leo’s not about to run scared. After all, he has Jane. But then, ...
The vampires of Asheville, North Carolina, want to establish their own clan, but since they owe loyalty to the Master Vampire of New Orleans they must work out the terms with him. To come up with an equitable solution, he sends an envoy with the best bodyguard blood money can buy: skinwalker Jane Yellowrock. But when a group of local campers are attacked by something fanged, Jane goes from esco...
When Nell Ingram met skinwalker Jane Yellowrock, she was alone, exiled by both choice and fear from the cult she was raised in, defending herself with the magic she drew from her deep connection to the forest that surrounds her. Jane has referred Nell to PsyLED, a government agency policing paranormals, and agent Rick LaFleur has shown up at Nell's doorstep. His appearance forces her out of h...
Jane Yellowrock is a vampire killer for hire—but other creatures of the night still need to watch their backs.... When the Master of the city of New Orleans asks Jane to improve security for a future visit from a delegation of European vampires, she names an exorbitant price—and Leo is willing to pay. That’s because the European vamps want Leo’s territory, and he knows that he needs Jane to pre...
Shapeshifting skinwalker Jane Yellowrock is the best in the business when it comes to slaying vampires. But her latest fanged foe may be above her pay grade… For centuries, the extremely powerful and ruthless vampire witches of the European Council have wandered the Earth, controlling governments, fostering war, creating political conflict, and often leaving absolute destruction in their wake. ...
Джейн Йеллоурок — последняя из рода скинуокеров, способная менять обличье, превращаясь в любого зверя, какого пожелает. Она — охотница на вампиров, убивающая ради того, чтобы жить. Но сейчас ее наняла Кэтрин Фонтено, одна из старейших вампирш Нового Орлеана, владелица заведения под названием «Девочки Кейти». На сей раз Джейн предстоит уничтожить свихнувшегося выродка-вампира, терроризирующего Новы...
Jane Yellowrock is back on the prowl against the children of the night... Leo Pellissier, head of the Vampire Council, has hired skinwalker Jane Yellowrock to hunt and kill one of their own who has broken sacred ancient rules. But Jane quickly realizes that in a community that is thousands of years old, loyalties run deep, mythos have real power, and the past often has more force than the prese...
Jane Yellowrock, a shape-shifting rogue-vampire hunter-for-hire, is now taking blood money from the very vamps she used to hunt. But things start heating up in the Big Easy when weres announce their existence to the world, and revive the bitter tensions that run between them and their old enemies -- vampires. Jane finds herself caught in the crossfire
Jane Yellowrock is a supernatural skinwalker--one sharing her body with the soul of a mountain lion. When the rogue-vampire hunter is hired to hunt down a particularly nasty vamp, Jane is drawn into the steamy New Orleans vampire society where she learns the ins-and-outs of the "sane" vampire culture, more about her own Cherokee heritage, and we are drawn into a rousing, fast-paced thriller.
The Master of Natchez, Mississippi has a nasty problem on his hands. Rogue vampires—those who follow the Naturaleza and believe that humans should be nothing more than prey to be hunted—are terrorizing his city. Luckily, he knows the perfect skinwalker to call in to take back the streets. But what he doesn’t tell Jane is that there’s something different about these vamps. Something that makes t...
For a vampire killer like Jane, having Leo Pellisier as a boss took some getting used to. But now, someone is out to take his place as Master Vampire of the city of New Orleans, and is not afraid to go through Jane to do it. After an attack that’s tantamount to a war declaration, Leo knows his rival is both powerful and vicious, but Leo’s not about to run scared. After all, he has Jane. But then, ...
The vampires of Asheville, North Carolina, want to establish their own clan, but since they owe loyalty to the Master Vampire of New Orleans they must work out the terms with him. To come up with an equitable solution, he sends an envoy with the best bodyguard blood money can buy: skinwalker Jane Yellowrock. But when a group of local campers are attacked by something fanged, Jane goes from esco...
When Nell Ingram met skinwalker Jane Yellowrock, she was alone, exiled by both choice and fear from the cult she was raised in, defending herself with the magic she drew from her deep connection to the forest that surrounds her. Jane has referred Nell to PsyLED, a government agency policing paranormals, and agent Rick LaFleur has shown up at Nell's doorstep. His appearance forces her out of h...
Jane Yellowrock is a vampire killer for hire—but other creatures of the night still need to watch their backs.... When the Master of the city of New Orleans asks Jane to improve security for a future visit from a delegation of European vampires, she names an exorbitant price—and Leo is willing to pay. That’s because the European vamps want Leo’s territory, and he knows that he needs Jane to pre...
Shapeshifting skinwalker Jane Yellowrock is the best in the business when it comes to slaying vampires. But her latest fanged foe may be above her pay grade… For centuries, the extremely powerful and ruthless vampire witches of the European Council have wandered the Earth, controlling governments, fostering war, creating political conflict, and often leaving absolute destruction in their wake. ...
Джейн Йеллоурок — последняя из рода скинуокеров, способная менять обличье, превращаясь в любого зверя, какого пожелает. Она — охотница на вампиров, убивающая ради того, чтобы жить. Но сейчас ее наняла Кэтрин Фонтено, одна из старейших вампирш Нового Орлеана, владелица заведения под названием «Девочки Кейти». На сей раз Джейн предстоит уничтожить свихнувшегося выродка-вампира, терроризирующего Новы...
Jane Yellowrock is back on the prowl against the children of the night... Leo Pellissier, head of the Vampire Council, has hired skinwalker Jane Yellowrock to hunt and kill one of their own who has broken sacred ancient rules. But Jane quickly realizes that in a community that is thousands of years old, loyalties run deep, mythos have real power, and the past often has more force than the prese...
Jane Yellowrock, a shape-shifting rogue-vampire hunter-for-hire, is now taking blood money from the very vamps she used to hunt. But things start heating up in the Big Easy when weres announce their existence to the world, and revive the bitter tensions that run between them and their old enemies -- vampires. Jane finds herself caught in the crossfire
Jane Yellowrock is a supernatural skinwalker--one sharing her body with the soul of a mountain lion. When the rogue-vampire hunter is hired to hunt down a particularly nasty vamp, Jane is drawn into the steamy New Orleans vampire society where she learns the ins-and-outs of the "sane" vampire culture, more about her own Cherokee heritage, and we are drawn into a rousing, fast-paced thriller.
The Master of Natchez, Mississippi has a nasty problem on his hands. Rogue vampires—those who follow the Naturaleza and believe that humans should be nothing more than prey to be hunted—are terrorizing his city. Luckily, he knows the perfect skinwalker to call in to take back the streets. But what he doesn’t tell Jane is that there’s something different about these vamps. Something that makes t...
For a vampire killer like Jane, having Leo Pellisier as a boss took some getting used to. But now, someone is out to take his place as Master Vampire of the city of New Orleans, and is not afraid to go through Jane to do it. After an attack that’s tantamount to a war declaration, Leo knows his rival is both powerful and vicious, but Leo’s not about to run scared. After all, he has Jane. But then, ...
The vampires of Asheville, North Carolina, want to establish their own clan, but since they owe loyalty to the Master Vampire of New Orleans they must work out the terms with him. To come up with an equitable solution, he sends an envoy with the best bodyguard blood money can buy: skinwalker Jane Yellowrock. But when a group of local campers are attacked by something fanged, Jane goes from esco...
When Nell Ingram met skinwalker Jane Yellowrock, she was alone, exiled by both choice and fear from the cult she was raised in, defending herself with the magic she drew from her deep connection to the forest that surrounds her. Jane has referred Nell to PsyLED, a government agency policing paranormals, and agent Rick LaFleur has shown up at Nell's doorstep. His appearance forces her out of h...
Jane Yellowrock is a vampire killer for hire—but other creatures of the night still need to watch their backs.... When the Master of the city of New Orleans asks Jane to improve security for a future visit from a delegation of European vampires, she names an exorbitant price—and Leo is willing to pay. That’s because the European vamps want Leo’s territory, and he knows that he needs Jane to pre...
Shapeshifting skinwalker Jane Yellowrock is the best in the business when it comes to slaying vampires. But her latest fanged foe may be above her pay grade… For centuries, the extremely powerful and ruthless vampire witches of the European Council have wandered the Earth, controlling governments, fostering war, creating political conflict, and often leaving absolute destruction in their wake. ...
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