На нашем сайте представлены 22 книги автора David Llewellyn. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Romana’s secret is in danger of being exposed by those she trusts, and the only hope of escape is through the Axis. But will Leela’s forthright determination to see justice done, whatever the costs, mean their chance to get home will be lost forever…? And if they are able to regain access the Axis, is the world they left behind any better than the society they have built here? Time will tell...
Times change... Romana is approaching her final term of office, and hopes to leave her world in a state of peace and harmony. Narvin is concerned about the implementation of a controversial Precog programme, one that seeks to predict the Time Lords? future. Ace is an operative for the Celestial Intervention Agency, having learned the art of interference from one of the best? And somewhere, ...
Inspired by Oscar Wilde's classic story of hedonism and corruption, The Confessions of Dorian Gray imagines a world where Dorian Gray was real, and his friendship with Oscar Wilde once spawned the notorious novel.
Captain Jack Harkness has always had his suspicions about the Committee. And now Wilson is also talking about the Committee. Apparently the world really is under the control of alien lizards. That’s what Wilson says. People have died, disasters have been staged, the suspicious have disappeared. It’s outrageous. Only Jack knows that Wilson is right. The Commitee has arrived.
The Taking of Chelsea 426 is a BBC Books original novel written by David Llewellyn and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor without an official companion. It was released on September 3, 2009, alongside Autonomy and The Krillitane Storm.
What has made billionaire Neil Redmond emerge from his long seclusion? Captain Jack knows the answer, and is prepared to go to any lengths to prove it. A couple of years ago, Neil Redmond was in a terrible accident. His recovery has been long and slow, but now he's back and looking better than ever. Much better than ever. Dark forces have been behind Neil's transformation. Dark forces that J...
Everyone’s a little worried about St Helen’s Hospital. In many ways it is a miracle of the modern NHS. It has plenty to offer its patients. The problem is that a lot of them keep dying of natural causes in the night. And no-one can find the bodies. People are beginning to notice. Questions are being asked. And there are rumours – the strange whispering figures seen at the end of the corridors, ...
In the distant future, President Romanadvoratrelundar will do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her allies and friends… In the distant past, President Romanadvoratrelundar will also do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her own life in the process… Unfortunately for Romana, there is no easy option. With the threat of impen...
They call it "Pulse" - a radio signal which has puzzled the world for 40 years. But now Toshiko Sato has solved it. She's uncovered a message which leads her to Russia, and into an uneasy alliance with the KVI - the Russian equivalent of Torchwood. Toshiko needs to get into Zone 10 - a frozen wasteland which officially doesn't exist. An intergalactic war was once fought in Zone 10....
Tiger Bay, Cardiff, 1950: A mysterious crate is brought into the docks on a Scandinavian cargo ship, the Kungssangen. Its destination: The Torchwood Institute. As the crate is offloaded by a group of local dockers it explodes, killing all but one; a young Butetown lad called Michael Bellini. Fifty-eight years later a radioactive source somewhere inside Torchwood leads the team to discover the same...
Romana’s secret is in danger of being exposed by those she trusts, and the only hope of escape is through the Axis. But will Leela’s forthright determination to see justice done, whatever the costs, mean their chance to get home will be lost forever…? And if they are able to regain access the Axis, is the world they left behind any better than the society they have built here? Time will tell...
Times change... Romana is approaching her final term of office, and hopes to leave her world in a state of peace and harmony. Narvin is concerned about the implementation of a controversial Precog programme, one that seeks to predict the Time Lords? future. Ace is an operative for the Celestial Intervention Agency, having learned the art of interference from one of the best? And somewhere, ...
Inspired by Oscar Wilde's classic story of hedonism and corruption, The Confessions of Dorian Gray imagines a world where Dorian Gray was real, and his friendship with Oscar Wilde once spawned the notorious novel.
Captain Jack Harkness has always had his suspicions about the Committee. And now Wilson is also talking about the Committee. Apparently the world really is under the control of alien lizards. That’s what Wilson says. People have died, disasters have been staged, the suspicious have disappeared. It’s outrageous. Only Jack knows that Wilson is right. The Commitee has arrived.
The Taking of Chelsea 426 is a BBC Books original novel written by David Llewellyn and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor without an official companion. It was released on September 3, 2009, alongside Autonomy and The Krillitane Storm.
What has made billionaire Neil Redmond emerge from his long seclusion? Captain Jack knows the answer, and is prepared to go to any lengths to prove it. A couple of years ago, Neil Redmond was in a terrible accident. His recovery has been long and slow, but now he's back and looking better than ever. Much better than ever. Dark forces have been behind Neil's transformation. Dark forces that J...
Everyone’s a little worried about St Helen’s Hospital. In many ways it is a miracle of the modern NHS. It has plenty to offer its patients. The problem is that a lot of them keep dying of natural causes in the night. And no-one can find the bodies. People are beginning to notice. Questions are being asked. And there are rumours – the strange whispering figures seen at the end of the corridors, ...
In the distant future, President Romanadvoratrelundar will do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her allies and friends… In the distant past, President Romanadvoratrelundar will also do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her own life in the process… Unfortunately for Romana, there is no easy option. With the threat of impen...
They call it "Pulse" - a radio signal which has puzzled the world for 40 years. But now Toshiko Sato has solved it. She's uncovered a message which leads her to Russia, and into an uneasy alliance with the KVI - the Russian equivalent of Torchwood. Toshiko needs to get into Zone 10 - a frozen wasteland which officially doesn't exist. An intergalactic war was once fought in Zone 10....
Tiger Bay, Cardiff, 1950: A mysterious crate is brought into the docks on a Scandinavian cargo ship, the Kungssangen. Its destination: The Torchwood Institute. As the crate is offloaded by a group of local dockers it explodes, killing all but one; a young Butetown lad called Michael Bellini. Fifty-eight years later a radioactive source somewhere inside Torchwood leads the team to discover the same...
Romana’s secret is in danger of being exposed by those she trusts, and the only hope of escape is through the Axis. But will Leela’s forthright determination to see justice done, whatever the costs, mean their chance to get home will be lost forever…? And if they are able to regain access the Axis, is the world they left behind any better than the society they have built here? Time will tell...
Times change... Romana is approaching her final term of office, and hopes to leave her world in a state of peace and harmony. Narvin is concerned about the implementation of a controversial Precog programme, one that seeks to predict the Time Lords? future. Ace is an operative for the Celestial Intervention Agency, having learned the art of interference from one of the best? And somewhere, ...
Inspired by Oscar Wilde's classic story of hedonism and corruption, The Confessions of Dorian Gray imagines a world where Dorian Gray was real, and his friendship with Oscar Wilde once spawned the notorious novel.
Captain Jack Harkness has always had his suspicions about the Committee. And now Wilson is also talking about the Committee. Apparently the world really is under the control of alien lizards. That’s what Wilson says. People have died, disasters have been staged, the suspicious have disappeared. It’s outrageous. Only Jack knows that Wilson is right. The Commitee has arrived.
The Taking of Chelsea 426 is a BBC Books original novel written by David Llewellyn and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor without an official companion. It was released on September 3, 2009, alongside Autonomy and The Krillitane Storm.
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