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Автор - Wendy Wren
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Творчество Wendy Wren

На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Wendy Wren. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Школьные учебники
English World: Level 9: Workbook
English World: Level 9: Workbook

ENGLISH WORLD is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by interactive activities on the WB CD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skil...

Английский язык
English World 9: Class Audio CDs and Exam Practice CD
English World 9: Class Audio CDs and Exam Practice CD

English World - новый, прекрасно иллюстрированный десятиуровневый курс современного английского языка, написанный хорошо известными российским учителям и учащимся авторами УМК Way Ahead. English World сочетает лучшие традиции преподавания английского языка с инновационными методиками обучения английскому языку как иностранному. Эффективность работы по формированию лексических и грамматически...

Школьные учебники
English World: Level 7: Workbook
English World: Level 7: Workbook

English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by interactive activities on the WB CD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skil...

Школьные учебники
English World: Level 8: Workbook
English World: Level 8: Workbook

ENGLISH WORLD is a 10-level course created by the best-selling authors of titles such as Way Ahead and Macmillan English. It offers a unique blend of first- language learning and teaching methodology combined with the needs of the non-native student. A wealth of reading material is presented as the vehicle for teaching grammar accuracy, along with fluency in writing, speaking and listening, and st...

Английский язык
English World Workbook. Level 8+ CD
English World Workbook. Level 8+ CD

English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active whole-class learning is supported by interactive activities on the WB CD-ROM. Thorough grammar and skil...

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