Энн Маккефри - автор 110 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Полет дракона, Белый дракон, Странствия дракона. Всадники Перна. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
История об эвакуации людей и их имущества с Южного континента Перна, вызванной надвигающимся извержением вулкана. Эвакуация проходила, в основном, по морю. Пришлось преодолеть немало трудностей, большую помощь при этом людям оказали дельфины.
For more than thirty years, Pern has conjured visions of brave men and women mounted upon the backs of dragons. As anyone knows who has been touched by the storytelling magic of Anne McCaffrey, to read of the exotic world of Pern is to inhabit it—and to eperience its extraordinary dragons is to soar aloft with them and share their dazzling adventures. Now, A Gift of Dragons brings together thre...
В книгу вошли несколько новых рассказов `из зарубежного цикла` и повесть `Дима, Тима и так далее...` для молодого поколения читателей.
На I, IV страницах обложки рисунки Юрия МАКАРОВА к повести «ВЕСЬЕГОНСКАЯ ВОЛЧИЦА». На II странице обложки рисунок Геннадия ФИЛАТОВА к фантастическому рассказу «И УСЛЫШАЛ ГОЛОС». На III странице обложки рисунок Константина ФАДИНА к фантастическому рассказу «ДЬЯВОЛОГИКА».
Эта история о близнецах — Ниане и Ру. Ру всегда мечтал стать всадником. Его связь с сестрой настолько прочна, что они практически могут слышать мысли друг друга. Когда, в поиске, дракон выбрал Ниан вместо Ру, она отказалась ехать. Тогда драконы забирают их обоих, но это ещё не гарантирует исполнения их мечты…
Боевой крейсер "Амхерст" земных сил Федерации обнаружил в глубоком космосе корабль с сигналом "SOS". Это оказалась спасательная шлюпка с Перна, и туда была выслана спасательная экспедиция...
Небольшой рассказ об Арамине - девушке, которая слышала драконов. Благодаря способности общаться с драконами Арамине удаётся спасти свою семью, застигнутую Нитепадом.
Book DescriptionHOW CAN ONE GIRL SAVE AN ENTIRE WORLD? To the nobles who live in Benden Weyr, Lessa is nothing but a ragged kitchen girl. For most of her life she has survived by serving those who betrayed her father and took over his lands.
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
It was not Threadfall that made Menolly unhappy. It was her father who betrayed her ambition to be a Harper, who thwarted her love of music. Menolly had no choice but to run away. She came upon a group of fire lizards, wild relatives of the fire-breathing dragons. Her music swirled about them; she taught nine to sing, suddenly Menolly was no longer alone.
Although Lorana cured the dragons' sickness so many died from the disease that there are no longer enough dragons to fight the deadly Thread, and more dragons and their riders die each Threadfall. With their numbers dwindling, Lorana made the decision to fly forward in time in a desperate bid to bring dragons from the future to fight Thread. She knew that jumping so far in time would result i...
When Menolly, daughter of Yanus Sea Holder, arrived at the Harper Craft Hall, she came in style, aboard a huge bronze dragon, followed by her nine fire lizards. The Masterharper of Pern, aware of her unique skills, had chosen her as his only girl apprentice. But the holdless girl had first to overcome many heartaches in this strange new life. Two things sustained her - her devoted lizards, a subje...
Led by Masterharper Robinton and F'lar and Lessa, the people of Pern excavate the ancient remains of the planet's original settlement and uncover the colonists' voice-activated artificial intelligence system.
Bringing fresh wonders and dangers to light in the skies of Pern, Anne McCaffrey and her son, Todd, who demonstrated his writing talents in the bestselling novels Dragon’s Kin and Dragonsblood, return with their second collaboration: a thrilling adventure of discovery and fate. Pellar is an orphan taken in by Masterharper Zist. Though born mute, Pellar is a gifted tracker, and when Zist sets of...
Every two hundred years or so, shimmering Threads fall from space, raining death and black ruin on Pern. The great dragons of Pern hurl themselves through the beleagured skies, flaming tongues of fire to destroy deadly Thread and save the Planet. But it was not Threadfall that made young Menolly unhappy. It was her father who betrayed her ambition to be a Harper, who thwarted her love of music. Me...
Jaxom, a rebellious young aristocrat, and Ruth, his white dragon, fly into another time to retrieve the queen's stolen egg, thereby averting a dragonrider war, and find their planet threatened once again by a Threadfall.
After a vicious plague swept through the world of Pern, there are no longer enough dragons to fight off the current onslaught of Thread, the deadly spore that falls like rain from the skies and devours everything organic in its path. Pern's last best chance to rebuild the decimated dragon population lies with a group of young dragonriders and their dragons left stranded on an unexplored i...
The Masterharper of Pern
Of all the young singers at the Harperhall of Pern, Piemur was the one chosen for the leading role at Lord Groghe's Gather...and then his voice broke. Suddenly his whole future at Harperhall became uncertain. But Masterharper Robinton, Menolly and Sebell had other plans for Piemur. They were sure that his quick wits and discretion could be used to keep a check on the troublesome Oldtimers and...
When the deadly silver "threadfall" from an orbiting comet threatens to destroy the thriving human colony on the otherwise hospitable planet Pern, scientists and genetic engineers undertake a bold and risky experiment to change the tiny native
To the nobles who live in Benden Weyr, Lessa is nothing but a ragged kitchen girl. For most of her life she has survived by serving those who betrayed her father and took over his lands. Now the time has come for Lessa to shed her disguise—and take back her stolen birthright. But everything changes when she meets a queen dragon. The bond they share will be deep and last forever. It will protect...