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Автор - Alvaro Martinez
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Творчество Alvaro Martinez

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Alvaro Martinez. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Ultimate Comics X-Men by Brian Wood Volume 3
Ultimate Comics X-Men by Brian Wood Volume 3

"World War X" begins! It's Tian vs. Utopia when Jean Grey takes on Kitt y Pryde! Will the planet be torn apart when the two mutant nations go to war? Alliances are broken, sides are chosen and betrayals abound - but after a sneak attack on Utopia, and Jean's strict warning that the rest of the world should stay out of the war, will the global mutant-on-mutant conflict finally unite...or ...

Ultimate Comics X-Men By Brian Wood, Vol. 3
Ultimate Comics X-Men By Brian Wood, Vol. 3

"World War X" begins! It's Tian vs. Utopia when Jean Grey takes on Kitty Pryde! Will the planet be torn apart when the two mutant nations go to war? Alliances are broken, sides are chosen and betrayals abound - but after a sneak attack on Utopia, and Jean's strict warning that the rest of the world should stay out of the war, will the global mutant-on-mutant conflict finally unite...or d...

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