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Автор - Aaron Kite
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Творчество Aaron Kite

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Aaron Kite. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

A Touch of Poison
A Touch of Poison

Gwenwyn is the most miserable princess ever, and for good reason. Merely brushing up against her or touching her exposed skin is enough to cause painful burns, or worse. And if that wasn't enough, she's just discovered the singular reason for her existence - to act as the king's secret assassin, murdering neighboring princes with nothing more than a simple kiss...

Two Cats: The Journals Of Vincent Tucat, Volume 1
Two Cats: The Journals Of Vincent Tucat, Volume 1

When Vincent Tucat learns he's to be robbed, he turns the tables on the thief to enhance his own reputation. However, in city ruled by thieves, burglary and politics often go hand in hand, and things are rarely as straightforward as they appear.