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Автор - Katie Davies
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Творчество Katie Davies

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Katie Davies. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Научно-популярная литература для детей
Kings And Queens Sticker Book
Kings And Queens Sticker Book

Helps children learn about every King and Queen of Britain from the Norman conquest to the present day by matching the stickers of important artefacts to their frames on each page. In this title, each frame is accompanied by fascinating historical facts. It contains over 100 stickers.

Детская литература
Lamb All Alone
Lamb All Alone

Ben's school is closed due to a flood warning. This could be a real emergency! At home, Ben and his family start to secure the house against the rising water. But what about the sheep in the field at the end of his garden? The farmer is stuck on his farm and can't rescue them. Luckily, the RSPCA are on hand to help. Together Ben's family and the RSPCA Inspector herd the animals to s...

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