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Автор - Keith Topping
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Творчество Keith Topping

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Keith Topping. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

The Devil Goblins from Neptune
The Devil Goblins from Neptune

The Doctor is perturbed when a spate of deaths follows the break-up of an alien mass in the atmosphere. But this is merely the latest incident in a sinister conspiracy that threatens the entire planet, and the Doctor himself is embroiled in the plans of all the players. The Brigadier's concern is heightened by the possibility of traitors at the very heart of UNIT. Leaving for Geneva to discover t...

The Discontinuity Guide
The Discontinuity Guide

"'A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,' said somebody - Ralph Waldo Emerson actually. Packed with goofs, fashion victims and dialogue disasters, The Discontinuity Guide proves that the makers of Doctor Who over the years have been, if nothing else, quite magnificently large-minded." ? Terrance Dicks "The Discontinuity Guide is the most elaborate, thoughtful, smart,...


A first Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki novel. When the TARDIS arrives in 64 AD, close to the ancient capital of Byzantium, Barbara is thrilled at the prospect of a glimpse of the Roman Empire at its height. But the Doctor warns of the brutality and corruption to be found behind its civilised veneer. And he is proved only too right... Split up in a terrifying market-place b...