Ацуси Окубо - японский мангака и фэнтези художник, известный своей работой Soul Eater, которая была адаптирована в аниме. Окубо работал ассистентом у Rando Ayamine, на манге Get Backers. Он также создавал обложки различных карт для игры Lord of Vermillion и дизайн некоторых персонажей Bravely Default.Ацуси Окубо не был образцовым студентом, его больше тянуло к рисованию, чем к обучению. В возрасте 20 лет, после окончания учебы в школе мангак, он встретил Rando Ayamine, художника "Get Backers", ...
Ацуси Окубо - японский мангака и фэнтези художник, известный своей работой Soul Eater, которая была адаптирована в аниме. Окубо работал ассистентом у Rando Ayamine, на манге Get Backers. Он также создавал обложки различных карт для игры Lord of Vermillion и дизайн некоторых персонажей Bravely Default.
Ацуси Окубо не был образцовым студентом, его больше тянуло к рисованию, чем к обучению. В возрасте 20 лет, после окончания учебы в школе мангак, он встретил Rando Ayamine, художника "Get Backers", он был помощником Rando Ayamine в течение двух лет.
Его первой мангой была B.Ichi, которая была опубликована в четырех томах. После окончания этой манги, он создал Soul Eater, мангу которая принесла ему успех во всем мире.
На нашем сайте представлены 76 книг автора Окубо Ацуси. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Shinigami-sama summons the strongest weapons from around the world to contain the rogue kishin and the spread of his madness. As these powerful weapons strategize for what will be the most difficult battle of their lives, the students of DWMA try to get back to their normal lives as best they can. For Maka, adjusting to the dangerous times is nothing compared to Crona's struggle to adjust to ...
While Black*Star and Tsubaki keep Mifune and Mosquito distracted, Sid is able to locate Arachnophobia's demon tool and put an abrupt end to their sinister plans. But though the evil organization won't be manipulating anyone's morality anytime soon, the blueprints for the dangerous tool are sealed away in Shinigami-sama's secret vault rather than destroyed. Surely Shinigami-sama would never think o...
With Doctor Stein unable to carry on, Maka, Kid, and Black*Star enter the magnetic field to take up the mission and locate the tempestuous demon tool known as Brew. Time is quickly running out as the three face off against Mosquito, struggling to harmonize their wavelengths within the magnetized vortex. They'll be lucky to escape with their lives, let alone the demon tool!
Arachnophobia has taken the offensive and spreads the Kishin's madness throughout the world, using "BREW" to threaten anyone who stands in their way. In the wake of attacks at home and abroad, DWMA sends its top students to quell the madness and gather information wherever they can. But the madness is spreading much quicker and is stronger than they had anticipated. When confronted by an incarnati...
The DWMA student body is still reeling after the news that one of their own is a witch. But as one young witch flees Death City, another has come back to DWMA hoping to strike a deal with Shinigami-sama. Medusa has already proven herself a traitor to the school, but the information she offers is critical to DWMA's efforts to take down Arachnophobia and curb the spread of madness. Can Medusa be tru...
Для борьбы со злобным Кишином, который может ввергнуть мир в пучину безумия, Шинигами-сама создаёт Академию — место, где проходит совместное обучение Оружий и Повелителей. Первые являются тем самым оружием, которое позволит остановить гибель мира; вторые — те, кто будет держать это оружие. Коса Смерти получится, когда оружие съест 99 злых душ, готовых стать Кишином, и 1 душу ведьмы, а потому все п...
Now that the Evangelist's goons have joined the battle, Company 8 and Haijima must join forces to keep the Sixth Pillar from falling into worse hands. But Haumea is up to her usual tricks, and unless Arthur can intervene, her mind control may lead to a nuclear meltdown...
The city of Tokyo is in the grip of a reign of terror! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Pyrofighters, ready to roll on a moment's notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out. But the team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at th...
The city of Tokyo is in the grip of a reign of terror! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Pyrofighters, ready to roll on a moment's notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out. But the team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at th...
Death the Kid and Black*Star race after Free and Eruka, ready to do whatever it takes to stop the Black Blood before it is used to revive the slumbering First Kishin. Meanwhile, Maka has allowed herself to slip into madness in an effort to reach Crona’s troubled soul. In addition to being horribly embarrassing, her actions carry a great risk. If Maka can’t find Crona fast, she too will be consumed...
Shinigami-sama summons the strongest weapons from around the world to contain the rogue kishin and the spread of his madness. As these powerful weapons strategize for what will be the most difficult battle of their lives, the students of DWMA try to get back to their normal lives as best they can. For Maka, adjusting to the dangerous times is nothing compared to Crona's struggle to adjust to ...
While Black*Star and Tsubaki keep Mifune and Mosquito distracted, Sid is able to locate Arachnophobia's demon tool and put an abrupt end to their sinister plans. But though the evil organization won't be manipulating anyone's morality anytime soon, the blueprints for the dangerous tool are sealed away in Shinigami-sama's secret vault rather than destroyed. Surely Shinigami-sama would never think o...
With Doctor Stein unable to carry on, Maka, Kid, and Black*Star enter the magnetic field to take up the mission and locate the tempestuous demon tool known as Brew. Time is quickly running out as the three face off against Mosquito, struggling to harmonize their wavelengths within the magnetized vortex. They'll be lucky to escape with their lives, let alone the demon tool!
Arachnophobia has taken the offensive and spreads the Kishin's madness throughout the world, using "BREW" to threaten anyone who stands in their way. In the wake of attacks at home and abroad, DWMA sends its top students to quell the madness and gather information wherever they can. But the madness is spreading much quicker and is stronger than they had anticipated. When confronted by an incarnati...
The DWMA student body is still reeling after the news that one of their own is a witch. But as one young witch flees Death City, another has come back to DWMA hoping to strike a deal with Shinigami-sama. Medusa has already proven herself a traitor to the school, but the information she offers is critical to DWMA's efforts to take down Arachnophobia and curb the spread of madness. Can Medusa be tru...
Для борьбы со злобным Кишином, который может ввергнуть мир в пучину безумия, Шинигами-сама создаёт Академию — место, где проходит совместное обучение Оружий и Повелителей. Первые являются тем самым оружием, которое позволит остановить гибель мира; вторые — те, кто будет держать это оружие. Коса Смерти получится, когда оружие съест 99 злых душ, готовых стать Кишином, и 1 душу ведьмы, а потому все п...
Now that the Evangelist's goons have joined the battle, Company 8 and Haijima must join forces to keep the Sixth Pillar from falling into worse hands. But Haumea is up to her usual tricks, and unless Arthur can intervene, her mind control may lead to a nuclear meltdown...
The city of Tokyo is in the grip of a reign of terror! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Pyrofighters, ready to roll on a moment's notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out. But the team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at th...
The city of Tokyo is in the grip of a reign of terror! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Pyrofighters, ready to roll on a moment's notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out. But the team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at th...
Death the Kid and Black*Star race after Free and Eruka, ready to do whatever it takes to stop the Black Blood before it is used to revive the slumbering First Kishin. Meanwhile, Maka has allowed herself to slip into madness in an effort to reach Crona’s troubled soul. In addition to being horribly embarrassing, her actions carry a great risk. If Maka can’t find Crona fast, she too will be consumed...
Shinigami-sama summons the strongest weapons from around the world to contain the rogue kishin and the spread of his madness. As these powerful weapons strategize for what will be the most difficult battle of their lives, the students of DWMA try to get back to their normal lives as best they can. For Maka, adjusting to the dangerous times is nothing compared to Crona's struggle to adjust to ...
While Black*Star and Tsubaki keep Mifune and Mosquito distracted, Sid is able to locate Arachnophobia's demon tool and put an abrupt end to their sinister plans. But though the evil organization won't be manipulating anyone's morality anytime soon, the blueprints for the dangerous tool are sealed away in Shinigami-sama's secret vault rather than destroyed. Surely Shinigami-sama would never think o...
With Doctor Stein unable to carry on, Maka, Kid, and Black*Star enter the magnetic field to take up the mission and locate the tempestuous demon tool known as Brew. Time is quickly running out as the three face off against Mosquito, struggling to harmonize their wavelengths within the magnetized vortex. They'll be lucky to escape with their lives, let alone the demon tool!
Arachnophobia has taken the offensive and spreads the Kishin's madness throughout the world, using "BREW" to threaten anyone who stands in their way. In the wake of attacks at home and abroad, DWMA sends its top students to quell the madness and gather information wherever they can. But the madness is spreading much quicker and is stronger than they had anticipated. When confronted by an incarnati...
The DWMA student body is still reeling after the news that one of their own is a witch. But as one young witch flees Death City, another has come back to DWMA hoping to strike a deal with Shinigami-sama. Medusa has already proven herself a traitor to the school, but the information she offers is critical to DWMA's efforts to take down Arachnophobia and curb the spread of madness. Can Medusa be tru...
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