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Автор - Бен Блэкер

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Творчество Бена Блэкера

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Бена Блэкера. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Deadpool: The Ones with Deadpool
Deadpool: The Ones with Deadpool

When WaterWorld hires Deadpool to protect their theme park, he winds up face-to-snout with Brute Force: Protectors of the Environment (look 'em up!) in a story written by Nick Giovannetti and star of The League and NTSF:SD:SUV Paul Scheer! Then, mysterious foes try to steal Wolverine's DNA to clone him - but Logan's old pals Deadpool and Steve Rogers are on the case! And Ben Acker and Ben Blacker,...

Deadpool v Gambit (2016) #1
Deadpool v Gambit (2016) #1

Gambit- one of the smoothest, best-looking operators in the world of the X-Men. Deadpool- one of the most annoying, ugliest dirtbags in the world of everything. Naturally, these guys got beef. But do you know what they have in common? A secret history of working together to pull con-jobs. That's right- the grift is on as the Regeneratin' Degenerate and the Ragin' Cajun begrudgingly take on one las...

Hex Wives
Hex Wives

For hundreds of years a war has been waged between a coven of perpetually reincarnating witches and the all-male conspiracy known as the Architects. After the death of the lead Architect in 2005 it seemed the witches had finally defeated their foes. Now, 13 years later, waking up in a perfect cookie cutter home at the end of a cul-de-sac in a sunny corner of suburbia, Isadora has no recollection o...

Дэдпул против Гамбита
Дэдпул против Гамбита

Гамбит - один из самых очаровательных красавчиков в мире Людей Икс. Дэдпул - один из самых бесящих уродов во всем мире. Угадайте, что у них общего? Они могут обмануть кого угодно! Все верно — любой трюк прокатит, ведь Регенерирующий Дегенерат и Бешеный Каджун поневоле берутся за свое последнее дельце. Стащить цацку мифической силы у китайского бизнесмена - что может быть проще, правда? Спойлер: не...

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