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Автор - Philip Tan

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Творчество Philip Tan

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Philip Tan. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Superman: Return of Doomsday
Superman: Return of Doomsday

Doomsday is the unstoppable force of evil that once killed the Man of Steel. He has returned to Metropolis and is targeting the other heroes and villains from the original Return of the Supermen story but there's something different about Doomsday - something even the Justice League of America might not be prepared for! Discover the shocking secret of his ultimate goal in attacking all these membe...

Black Order: The Warmasters of Thanos
Black Order: The Warmasters of Thanos

They are the five dreadlords, the Cull Obsidian - once Thanos' most feared warriors and disciples...the Black Order! Ruthless villains all, the Black Order has been dispatched by the Grandmaster to destabilize a burgeoning empire, but along the way they realize that as big and as bad as they are, there is always someone bigger and badder... Isn't that always the way? You go to assassinate an emper...

Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S.
Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S.

The Justice League is dead, and evil has inherited the Earth! Can Steve Trevor and the surviving members of A.R.G.U.S. stand against the villains of the world?

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