Артур Рэнсом - автор 7 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ласточки и Амазонки, Эликсир жизни, We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea: Level 4. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
"Ласточки и амазонки" Артура Рэнсома по праву стоят в одном ряду с лучшими приключенческими романами мировой литературы, такими как "Остров сокровищ", "Робинзон Крузо", "Приключения Гекльберри Финна". Артур Рэнсом – человек с интересной, можно сказать авантюрной судьбой, который успел побывать и активным участником Октябрьской революции и (по слухам) агентом британской разведки, но в истории он ос...
Winter holidays can be just as fun as summer with the Swallows and Amazons! "'You know what it's like. Dark at teatime and sleeping indoors: nothing ever happens in the winter holidays.'" Or so Nancy thinks. Then the lake ices over completely and the Swallows and Amazons, along with Dick and Dorothea -- 'the D's' -- plan a race to find the North Pole. How will they reach it if they can't sail? By ...
'Like to spend a night in the Goblin?’ The Swallows are staying on the Suffolk coast while they wait for their father to return home from China. But although the harbour is bursting with bobbing yachts, barges and steamers, this year there's no chance of any sailing for the landlocked Swallows. That is until they rescue young Jim Brading and his boat the Goblin from a sticky situation and to th...
Plunge into the Norfolk Broads as the Ds join up with the Coot Club once again, this time to solve a very baffling crime. 'Why shouldn't we be detectives too?' When Dick and Dorothea arrive in the Norfolk Broads all set for a blissful summer on the river, they find their friends the Death and Glories in a very bad situation. Accused of setting boats adrift, sabotage and theft, the bo...
The four Walker children never meant to go to sea. They had promised their mother to stay safely in the harbour, and to be home on Friday in time for tea. But there they are in someone else's boat, drifting out to sea in a thick fog. When the fog lifts, they can turn round and sail back to the harbour. But then comes the wind and the storm, driving them out even further across the cold North ...
A trenchant analysis of Wilde's prose and poetical works, set against the backdrop of his tempestuous and tormented life. Provides a valuable picture of the literary life of England at that time and the role Wilde played in it. Relates Wilde's works to the mores of his time.