На нашем сайте представлены 33 книги автора Стив Лайонс. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Doomsday is the unstoppable force of evil that once killed the Man of Steel. He has returned to Metropolis and is targeting the other heroes and villains from the original Return of the Supermen story but there's something different about Doomsday - something even the Justice League of America might not be prepared for! Discover the shocking secret of his ultimate goal in attacking all these membe...
The year is 1462 and the Doctor, Peri and Erimem encounter Vlad the Impaler.
In 2044, the Selachians attack Earth?s Moonbase. And the Galactic Reich is threatened.
Beep the Meep is back - and he's found a new channel for his aggression! A brand new series is about to make television history, but can the Doctor prevent his furry foe from turning a docu-drama into a crisis, or will the fluffy-wuffy animals get it in the neck? The first shots in the ratings war have been fired, and the next one is aimed at your head...
The Doctor, Charley and C'rizz arrive in a kingdom obsessed with productivity and clock-watching, where the slightest hint of wastefulness can raise the ire of the Clockwork Men, who move between the tick and the tock of a second. When the travellers become separated, will they become stuck in time, like flies in amber?
Космические Волки, отпрыски беспощадной ледяной планеты Фенрис, - гордые и свирепые воины, как и следует из названия их ордена. Хотя некоторые считают сынов Русса дикими и неуправляемыми, они немыслимо преданны и обладают безупречным боевым чутьем. В сражении Волки непоколебимы, словно ледник, и разрушительны, как лавина.
The Doctor doesn’t normally need money, but when the TARDIS is immobilised and a fine has to be paid, a loan from a bank in the sky seems the solution to his problem. But then the Selachians arrive, and the Doctor and his companions find themselves as hostages in the middle of a heist. Death seems an absolute certainty. But the Doctor, Jamie, Polly and Ben have outwitted death before…
The TARDIS has landed in a futuristic space casino, where the Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie find fun, games... and monsters everywhere. There are vicious robot dogs, snake-headed gangsters from the Sidewinder Syndicate and a mysterious masked woman called Hope. In this place, time travellers are to be tracked down and arrested. Yet, as events spiral out of control, time may be Polly's only ...
The Reverend Samuel Parris, Minister of Salem, follows three strangers in the forest beyond the village - a forest which is traditionally believed to be the source of much evil. He hears movement through the trees, steps forward and makes a terrible discovery. It is one which will change life in Salem forever. The TARDIS arrives in Salem Village, Massachusetts, 1692. The Doctor wishes to effect...
"How can we go forward when she continually fans the flames of mistrust and paranoia? I’ve seen the future she’ll create — the corridors of the Capitol, awash with blood!" They are the brightest minds of their generation; the architects of tomorrow. And now, they have the chance to attend the finest, most exclusive school known to the temporal powers. After millennia of secrecy, the Gallifreyan...
Doomsday is the unstoppable force of evil that once killed the Man of Steel. He has returned to Metropolis and is targeting the other heroes and villains from the original Return of the Supermen story but there's something different about Doomsday - something even the Justice League of America might not be prepared for! Discover the shocking secret of his ultimate goal in attacking all these membe...
The year is 1462 and the Doctor, Peri and Erimem encounter Vlad the Impaler.
In 2044, the Selachians attack Earth?s Moonbase. And the Galactic Reich is threatened.
Beep the Meep is back - and he's found a new channel for his aggression! A brand new series is about to make television history, but can the Doctor prevent his furry foe from turning a docu-drama into a crisis, or will the fluffy-wuffy animals get it in the neck? The first shots in the ratings war have been fired, and the next one is aimed at your head...
The Doctor, Charley and C'rizz arrive in a kingdom obsessed with productivity and clock-watching, where the slightest hint of wastefulness can raise the ire of the Clockwork Men, who move between the tick and the tock of a second. When the travellers become separated, will they become stuck in time, like flies in amber?
Космические Волки, отпрыски беспощадной ледяной планеты Фенрис, - гордые и свирепые воины, как и следует из названия их ордена. Хотя некоторые считают сынов Русса дикими и неуправляемыми, они немыслимо преданны и обладают безупречным боевым чутьем. В сражении Волки непоколебимы, словно ледник, и разрушительны, как лавина.
The Doctor doesn’t normally need money, but when the TARDIS is immobilised and a fine has to be paid, a loan from a bank in the sky seems the solution to his problem. But then the Selachians arrive, and the Doctor and his companions find themselves as hostages in the middle of a heist. Death seems an absolute certainty. But the Doctor, Jamie, Polly and Ben have outwitted death before…
The TARDIS has landed in a futuristic space casino, where the Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie find fun, games... and monsters everywhere. There are vicious robot dogs, snake-headed gangsters from the Sidewinder Syndicate and a mysterious masked woman called Hope. In this place, time travellers are to be tracked down and arrested. Yet, as events spiral out of control, time may be Polly's only ...
The Reverend Samuel Parris, Minister of Salem, follows three strangers in the forest beyond the village - a forest which is traditionally believed to be the source of much evil. He hears movement through the trees, steps forward and makes a terrible discovery. It is one which will change life in Salem forever. The TARDIS arrives in Salem Village, Massachusetts, 1692. The Doctor wishes to effect...
"How can we go forward when she continually fans the flames of mistrust and paranoia? I’ve seen the future she’ll create — the corridors of the Capitol, awash with blood!" They are the brightest minds of their generation; the architects of tomorrow. And now, they have the chance to attend the finest, most exclusive school known to the temporal powers. After millennia of secrecy, the Gallifreyan...
Doomsday is the unstoppable force of evil that once killed the Man of Steel. He has returned to Metropolis and is targeting the other heroes and villains from the original Return of the Supermen story but there's something different about Doomsday - something even the Justice League of America might not be prepared for! Discover the shocking secret of his ultimate goal in attacking all these membe...
The year is 1462 and the Doctor, Peri and Erimem encounter Vlad the Impaler.
In 2044, the Selachians attack Earth?s Moonbase. And the Galactic Reich is threatened.
Beep the Meep is back - and he's found a new channel for his aggression! A brand new series is about to make television history, but can the Doctor prevent his furry foe from turning a docu-drama into a crisis, or will the fluffy-wuffy animals get it in the neck? The first shots in the ratings war have been fired, and the next one is aimed at your head...
The Doctor, Charley and C'rizz arrive in a kingdom obsessed with productivity and clock-watching, where the slightest hint of wastefulness can raise the ire of the Clockwork Men, who move between the tick and the tock of a second. When the travellers become separated, will they become stuck in time, like flies in amber?
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