Bill Willingham's critically acclaimed, Eisner Award-winning series FABLES is a wickedly imaginative take on the current state of the world's favorite characters from fable and lore. This original hardcover collection is set in the early days of
When Little Red Riding Hood suddenly walks through the gate between this world and the lost Fable Homelands, she's welcomed as a miraculous survivor by nearly everyone - everyone except her old nemesis, Bigby Wolf, who smells spying and subversion more than survival. But will he be able to prove his case before disaster strikes? And how will it all affect Prince Charming's upstart campaign to beco...
FABLES: ARABIAN NIGHTS (AND DAYS) opens a new front in the struggle between the Fables and the Adversary as the worlds of the Arabian Fables are invaded - leading to an unprecedented diplomatic mission to Fabletown and a bad case of culture shock.
“Kingdom Come,” drawn by Niko Henrichon more loosely and cartoony than main-story artist Mark Buckingham would have, tells how the torch Boy Blue has long carried for Rose Red is snuffed out, and “Skulduggery” is a hostage-rescue thriller with Cinderella as the ruthless rescuer. The rest of the book is the war, which is satisfyingly heroic and gritty but, as it happens, not the grand finale of the...
If you've ever craved a guided tour of Fabletown's secret Manhattan location, prepare to be thrilled. Pinocchio has a field day taking a certain VIP around the city. And exactly which Fabletown denizens are no longer active (dead, alive or otherwise) just might shock you into a comic book coma. Also in this volume, you'll find the 4-part story featuring Freddy and Mouse, two local r...
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