«Я попал в страну драконов, когда мне было 12… Никто не мог меня спасти. Потом я понял, это моя и только моя битва. И если я проиграю ее, то останусь здесь навсегда».Сейчас Мартину Писториусу 39 лет, он занимается вебдизайном и счастлив в браке с женой Джоанной. Увлекается компьютерами, крикетом и фотографией. Любит животных, «Формулу-1» и предпочитает отдыхать дома.Ничего необычного, правда?..…Но...
«Этот отрывистый, повелительный возглас был первым воспоминанием mademoiselle Норы из ее темного, однообразного, бродячего детства. Это слово раньше всех других слов выговорил ее слабый, младенческий язычок, и всегда, даже в сновидениях, вслед за этим криком вставали в памяти Норы: холод нетопленной арены цирка, запах конюшни, тяжелый галоп лошади, сухое щелканье длинного бича и жгучая боль удара,...
Известный испанский писатель Мигель Делибес (р. 1920) полагает, что человек обретает силу, свободу и счастье только в единении с природой. Персонажи его романа «Крысы» живут в адских условиях, но воспринимают окружающее с удивительной мудростью и философским спокойствием.
Ten years ago, Peter Pan left Neverland to grow up, leaving behind his adolescent dreams of boyhood and resigning himself to life as Wendy Darling. Growing up, however, has only made him realize how inescapable his identity as a man is. But when he returns to Neverland, everything has changed: the Lost Boys have become men, and the war games they once played are now real and deadly. Even more s...
My life, as you will read, has taken me from one cult to another. Brave is the story of how I fought my way out of these cults and reclaimed my life. I want to help you do the same.-Rose McGowan A revealing memoir and empowering manifesto – A voice for generations. Rose McGowan was born in one cult and came of age in another, more visible cult: Hollywood. In a strange world where she was ...
?Reader, I murdered him.? A sensitive orphan, Jane Steele suffers first at the hands of her spiteful aunt and predatory cousin, then at a grim school where she fights for her very life until escaping to London, leaving the corpses of her tormentors behind her. After years of hiding from the law while penning macabre ?last confessions? of the recently hanged, Jane thrills at discovering an adver...
Frozen meets The Bloody Chamber in this feminist fantasy reimagining of the Snow White fairytale At sixteen, Mina's mother is dead, her magician father is vicious, and her silent heart has never beat with love for anyone—has never beat at all, in fact, but she’d always thought that fact normal. She never guessed that her father cut out her heart and replaced it with one of glass. When she moves...
Danny Tozer has a problem: she just inherited the powers of Dreadnought, the world’s greatest superhero. Until Dreadnought fell out of the sky and died right in front of her, Danny was trying to keep people from finding out she’s transgender. But before he expired, Dreadnought passed his mantle to her, and those secondhand superpowers transformed Danny’s body into what she’s always thought it s...
Fishkill Carmel fends for herself, with her fists if need be — until a thwarted lunch theft introduces her to strange, sunny Duck-Duck and a chance for a new start. Born in the backseat of a moving car, Carmel Fishkill was unceremoniously pushed into a world that refuses to offer her security, stability, love. At age thirteen, she begins to fight back. Carmel Fishkill becomes Fishkill Carmel, ...
Know this: I am not a warrior. I am a disease. When I was six, my parents died. When I was sixteen, I was locked away in Rock Point Girls’ Home. Nobody wants to deal with a liar. An addict. A thief. Nobody except Alle. She is pure, and she’s my friend in spite of all the rotten things I am. There was once another girl like me—long ago. A cast-off daughter. A lying little beast who left...
It has been only two generations since Arthur Warden seized the throne of Heddred from the Conradines, and now the crown rests on the head of Garad, sickly and weak. Shadows gather: legacies of the centuries-long rivalries for power, old betrayals, the endless plots of the courtiers, and the murmur of rebellion in the southern provinces ... Catwin, plucked from her life at the edge of the Kingd...
В 1833 году автор, находясь в Париже, побывал на выставке, где увидел картину, на которой был изображен оборвыш на королевском троне. История создания картины поразила писателя. Его чувства и легли в основу зарисовки.