“It is a most valuable book, inasmuch as it brings many of the choicest gems from the works of this eighteenth century teacher of holiness within the compass of a handy volume.”—Record. Despite being written in the nineteenth century, this little book on the topic of humility remains a treasure for Christians today. If you truly want to know how to be a humble Christian—and discover the beauty of holiness—you will be sure to read this work from Andrew Murray. Книга «Humility: The Beauty of Holin...
“It is a most valuable book, inasmuch as it brings many of the choicest gems from the works of this eighteenth century teacher of holiness within the compass of a handy volume.”—Record. Despite being written in the nineteenth century, this little book on the topic of humility remains a treasure for Christians today. If you truly want to know how to be a humble Christian—and discover the beauty of holiness—you will be sure to read this work from Andrew Murray. Книга «Humility: The Beauty of Holiness» автора Эндрю Мюррей оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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