A small group of survivors, led by former manga creator Korori Nakata, considers breaking from a large, organized group of humans who follow cult leader "Asada" and have taken control of a high-rise apartment building. On a collision course with our heroes Hideo and Hiromi, the high-rise survivors face extremely powerful ZQNs and strange ZQN-human hybrids that may hold the key to unlocking the global zombie epidemic! Hideo and Hiromi bond, hoping to share a moment of romance while the rest of Ja...
A small group of survivors, led by former manga creator Korori Nakata, considers breaking from a large, organized group of humans who follow cult leader "Asada" and have taken control of a high-rise apartment building. On a collision course with our heroes Hideo and Hiromi, the high-rise survivors face extremely powerful ZQNs and strange ZQN-human hybrids that may hold the key to unlocking the global zombie epidemic! Hideo and Hiromi bond, hoping to share a moment of romance while the rest of Japan falls apart. Книга «I am a Hero, Volume 17» автора Кенго Ханадзава оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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