In "Clone Saga," Spider-Man comes face-to-face with the most unexpected fow of all: Peter Parker! But Peter Parker is Spider-Man...isn't he? Who's who becomes a dangerous guessing game as a sinister series of clones turns Peter's life upside-down and forces Spider-Man into a devastating confrontation with one of his oldest foes. Guest-starring the Fantastic Four, Nick Fury, the Ultimates, the X-Men and the all-new, all-different Spider-Woman! And in "Ultimate Knights," Daredevil attempts to enli...
In "Clone Saga," Spider-Man comes face-to-face with the most unexpected fow of all: Peter Parker! But Peter Parker is Spider-Man...isn't he? Who's who becomes a dangerous guessing game as a sinister series of clones turns Peter's life upside-down and forces Spider-Man into a devastating confrontation with one of his oldest foes. Guest-starring the Fantastic Four, Nick Fury, the Ultimates, the X-Men and the all-new, all-different Spider-Woman! And in "Ultimate Knights," Daredevil attempts to enlist Spider-Man in a crusade to bring down the Kingpin - permanently. But with his Aunt's life hanging by a thread, and his serious girl problems with MJ and Kitty Pryde, crimebusting may be the last thing on young Mr. Parker's mind. Written by Brian Michael Bendis. Art by Mark Bagley and Stuart Immonen. Cover by Mark Bagley Книга «Ultimate Spider-Man Deluxe HC Volume 9» автора Брайан Майкл Бендис оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.80 из 10.
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