Superhot duo MILLIGAN and FERNÁNDEZ' controversial story of sex and metamorphosis. When frustrated Manhattan wife Melissa Peake allows herself to be seduced by a mysterious stranger, she is drawn into an ancient war between The Discipline and the creatures known as The Stalkers...and must discover hitherto unimagined potential within herself to survive. But at what cost? Whatever you've heard about it, won't prepare you for...The Discipline. Книга «The Discipline Volume 1» авторов Питер Милл...
Superhot duo MILLIGAN and FERNÁNDEZ' controversial story of sex and metamorphosis. When frustrated Manhattan wife Melissa Peake allows herself to be seduced by a mysterious stranger, she is drawn into an ancient war between The Discipline and the creatures known as The Stalkers...and must discover hitherto unimagined potential within herself to survive. But at what cost? Whatever you've heard about it, won't prepare you for...The Discipline. Книга «The Discipline Volume 1» авторов Питер Миллиган, Леандро Фернандес оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 4.00 из 10.
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