Supergirl is ordered by her mother Allura to find and apprehend her father's murderer Reactron. However, her mission is hindered by a costumed woman who arrives in Metropolis calling herself Superwoman. After meeting this so-called Superwoman, the Girl of Steel has several pressing questions: who is Superwoman, really, what gives her the right to wear the symbol of the House of El, and what side she is on? Книга «Supergirl: Who Is Superwoman?» автора Sterling Gates оценена посетителями КнигоГид,...
Supergirl is ordered by her mother Allura to find and apprehend her father's murderer Reactron. However, her mission is hindered by a costumed woman who arrives in Metropolis calling herself Superwoman. After meeting this so-called Superwoman, the Girl of Steel has several pressing questions: who is Superwoman, really, what gives her the right to wear the symbol of the House of El, and what side she is on? Книга «Supergirl: Who Is Superwoman?» автора Sterling Gates оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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