"A new story arc begins, leading to Conan's tumultuous time fighting and looting with the Kozakia wild group of fellow mercenaries also known as the Free Companions. Conan and his fellow warriors, regrouping and recovering from their battle with the wizard Natohk and his desert hordes, find themselves on the verge of having to serve in another war! Timothy Truman begins an original tale that will explore events alluded to in Robert E. Howard's _Conan_ tales, and he will also share artistic dutie...
"A new story arc begins, leading to Conan's tumultuous time fighting and looting with the Kozakia wild group of fellow mercenaries also known as the Free Companions. Conan and his fellow warriors, regrouping and recovering from their battle with the wizard Natohk and his desert hordes, find themselves on the verge of having to serve in another war! Timothy Truman begins an original tale that will explore events alluded to in Robert E. Howard's _Conan_ tales, and he will also share artistic duties with Argentine sensation Tomás Giorello to illustrate a time in Conan's life when he tries to keep his barbarous nature and hot temper in check in order to prove that he can be a leader of men. ""The latest incarnation of _Conan_ has done nothing but live up to its predecessors.""Broken Frontier" Книга «Dragon Age: Those Who Speak #2» авторов Дэвид Гейдер, Александр Фрид, Chad Hardin оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.60 из 10.
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