Кэти Уильямс - автор 4 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Скажи машине «спокойной ночи», Absent, The Space Between Trees. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Есть мандарины, работать при утреннем свете и… ампутировать фалангу указательного пальца на правой руке. Какие рекомендации услышишь ты от машины счастья? Перл работает на огромную корпорацию. По запатентованной схеме она делает всех желающих счастливее. Советы механизма бывают абсурдными. Но Перл нравится работа, да и клиенты остаются довольны. Кроме ее собственного сына — подростка Ретта. Говоря...
When seventeen-year-old Paige dies in a freak fall from the roof during Physics class, her spirit is bound to the grounds of her high school. At least she has company: her fellow ghosts Evan and Brooke, who also died there. But when Paige hears the rumor that her death wasn't an accident--that she supposedly jumped on purpose--she can't bear it. Then Paige discovers something amazing. Sh...
This story was supposed to be about Evie how she hasn't made a friend in years, how she tends to stretch the truth (especially about her so-called relationship with college drop-out Jonah Luks), and how she finally comes into her own once she learns to just be herself but it isn't. Because when her classmate Elizabeth "Zabet" McCabe's murdered body is found in the woods, everything ...
Achieving Sustainable Urban Form represents a major advance in the sustainable development debate. It presents research which defines elements of sustainable urban form - density, size, configuration, detailed design and quality - from macro