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Книги Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O'Connor - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester, Wish, How to Steal a Dog. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester
The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester

Owen Jester wishes his family hadn't moved to his grandfather's house after his dad lost his job. For one thing, his grandfather's live-in nurse sure knows how to ruin anyone's idea of a good time. And then there's Viola, the girl next door, who can't ever mind her own business. She even thinks Owen should put his freshly captured bullfrog back into the pond. Then late one night, Owen hears a curi...


Eleven-year-old Charlie Reese has been making the same secret wish every day since fourth grade. She even has a list of all the ways there are to make the wish, such as cutting off the pointed end of a slice of pie and wishing on it as she takes the last bite. But when she is sent to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina to live with family she barely knows, it seems unlikely that her wish wi...