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Автор - Paul Karasik

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Творчество Paul Karasik

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Paul Karasik. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Банковское дело
Seminar Selling: The Ultimate Resource Guide to Marketing Financial Services
Seminar Selling: The Ultimate Resource Guide to Marketing Financial Services

This comprehensive ``how to'' guide for the financial services professional is packed with proven strategies and techniques for successfully selling through seminars. This guide also includes extensive resource sections that list: speaker's bureaus;

City of Glass: The Graphic Novel
City of Glass: The Graphic Novel

'It was a wrong number that started it ...' Chosen as one of the '100 Most Important Comics of the Century', Faber is proud to publish the graphic novel City of Glass for the first time in the UK. As Art Spiegelman explains in his new introduction, David Mazzucchelli and Paul Karasik 'created a strange doppelganger of the original book' and 'a breakthrough work.&...

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