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Книги Kat Zhang

Kat Zhang - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: What's Left of Me, The Emperor's Riddle, Once We Were. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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What's Left of Me
What's Left of Me

Eva and Addie started out the same way as everyone else—two souls woven together in one body, taking turns controlling their movements as they learned how to walk, how to sing, how to dance. But as they grew, so did the worried whispers. Why aren’t they settling? Why isn’t one of them fading? The doctors ran tests, the neighbors shied away, and their parents begged for more time. Finally Addie was...

The Emperor's Riddle
The Emperor's Riddle

Mia Chen is on what her mother calls a Grand Adventure. She’s not sure what to make of this family trip to China, and didn’t want to leave her friends for the summer, but she’s excited about the prospect of exploring with her Aunt Lin, the only adult who truly understands her. Then Aunt Lin disappears, right after her old nemesis, a man named Ying, comes to visit. Mia knows that years ago, when...

Once We Were
Once We Were

"I'm lucky just to be alive." Eva was never supposed to have survived this long. As the recessive soul, she should have faded away years ago. Instead, she lingers in the body she shares with her sister soul, Addie. When the government discovered the truth, they tried to ?cure? the girls, but Eva and Addie escaped before the doctors could strip Eva?s soul away. Now fugitives, Eva and Add...