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Книги Бена Кристала

Бен Кристал - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Sorry, I'm British!: An Insider's Romp Through Britain from A to Z, You Say Potato, Shakespeare's Words: A Glossary and Language Companion. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Sorry, I'm British!: An Insider's Romp Through Britain from A to Z
Sorry, I'm British!: An Insider's Romp Through Britain from A to Z

Explore the oddities of the British psyche with this informative and witty illustrated guide. From small-talk to superiority, from cricket to condiments, and curry to class, when wandering lonely through the clouds of British behaviour this is the perfect companion. Discover the fate of a pitbull named ASBO, find out why we get bank holidays when we do, and learn why it's better to drive on t...

Английский язык
You Say Potato
You Say Potato

Some people say "sconn", while others say "scohn". He say "bath", while she says "bahth". You say "potayto". I say "potahto". And - wait a second, no one says "potahto". No one's ever said "potahto". Have they?