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Книги Michael Faudet

Michael Faudet - автор 5 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Dirty Pretty Things, Cult of Two, Bitter Sweet Love. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Dirty Pretty Things
Dirty Pretty Things

Dirty Pretty Things is the much anticipated book by Michael Faudet. His whimsical and often erotic writing has already captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world. He paints vivid pictures with intricate words and explores the compelling themes of love, loss, relationships and sex. All beautifully captured in poetry, prose, quotes and little short stories.

Cult of Two
Cult of Two

Michael Faudet’s latest book delves deeper into the meaning of love, the intricacy of relationships, self-empowerment, seduction, and sex. Taking the reader on a whimsical and sometimes heartbreaking journey, where fantasy and reality collide. Cult of Two is much more than just a beautiful collection of poetry, prose, and short stories. It is a compelling invitation to confront and explore the con...

Smoke & Mirrors
Smoke & Mirrors

Smoke & Mirrors is the third book from internationally bestselling poet Michael Faudet, author of Bitter Sweet Love and Dirty Pretty Things—both finalists in the 2016 and 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet’s latest book takes the reader on an emotionally charged journey, exploring the joys of falling madly in love and the melancholy world of the brokenhearted. Beautifully capt...

Winter of Summers
Winter of Summers

Winter of Summers is the fourth book of internationally bestselling poet Michael Faudet, author of Smoke & Mirrors, Bitter Sweet Love, and Dirty Pretty Things—a finalist in the Goodreads Readers Choice awards. His whimsical and sometimes erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of thousands of people from around the world. Michael Faudet’s latest book explores the fine line between love...

Bitter Sweet Love
Bitter Sweet Love

Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of "Dirty Pretty Things," a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet's whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world. He paints vivid pictures with intricate words and ...