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Книги Bialczynski Czeslaw

Bialczynski Czeslaw - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Mitologia Slowianska. Ksiega Tura, War, progress, and the end of history, including a short story of the Anti-Christ : Three discussions. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Mitologia Slowianska. Ksiega Tura
Mitologia Slowianska. Ksiega Tura

Mitologia slowianska to pierwsza w historii literatury proba odtworzenia wierzen, religii i bajecznych dziejow Slowian w zamknietym ksztalcie mitologii. Pierwszym z czterech tomow jest "Ksiega Tura" (wydanie drugie, poprawione [wyd. I - Baran i Suszczynski, Krakow 2000]), Wielki Tajemnik Slowian zawierajacy mozliwie pelny zapis wierzen, podan, mitow, legend, obrzedow i rytualow religijnych, wiedz...

War, progress, and the end of history, including a short story of the Anti-Christ : Three discussions
War, progress, and the end of history, including a short story of the Anti-Christ : Three discussions

In this prophetic, millennial work, written by Russia's greatest philosopher at the end of the last century, the great task facing humanity as progress races to end history is the resistance to evil. Solovyov addresses what seem to him the three main trends of our time: economic materialism, Tolstoyan abstract moralism, and Nietzschean hubris--the first is already present, the second imminent, whi...