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Книги Томаса Фланагана

Томас Фланаган - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Год французов, The Year of the French, There You Are: Writings on Irish and American Literature and History. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

Год написания

Тип сюжета
Место действия
Время действия
Год французов
Год французов

Роман известного американского писателя Томаса Фланагана рассказывает об освободительном движении ирландского народа на рубеже XVIII–XIX веков. Глубокое знание истории Ирландии, ее экономического и политического положения помогло писателю создать правдивое и достоверное произведение о важном этапе борьбы этой страны за независимость.

The Year of the French
The Year of the French

In 1798, Irish patriots, committed to freeing their country from England, landed with a company of French troops in County Mayo, in westernmost Ireland. They were supposed to be an advance guard, followed by other French ships with the leader of the rebellion, Wolfe Tone. Briefly they triumphed, raising hopes among the impoverished local peasantry and gathering a group of supporters. But before lo...

There You Are: Writings on Irish and American Literature and History
There You Are: Writings on Irish and American Literature and History

Thomas Flanagan became famous as the author of a trilogy of novels, starting with The Year of the French, about Ireland from the rebellion of 1798 to the civil war of the 1920s. But the novelist who began by reimagining the mental and physical world of eighteenth-century County Mayo had long been immersing himself, as a scholar, essayist, and reviewer, in the literature and history of his ancestra...