Дэйв Пельцер - автор 9 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ребенок, который был вещью. Изувеченное детство, The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family, Help Yourself. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
«Ребенок, который был вещью» — незабываемый рассказ об одном из наиболее вопиющих случаев жестокого обращения с детьми в истории штата Калифорния. Психически нестабильная мать-алкоголичка годами избивала и морила голодом маленького Дэйва Пельцера. Она изощренно издевалась над ним, в результате чего мальчик не раз оказывался на пороге смерти. Дэйв спал на старой раскладушке в холодном гараже, носил...
Imagine a young boy who has never had a loving home. His only possesions are the old, torn clothes he carries in a paper bag. The only world he knows is one of isolation and fear. Although others had rescued this boy from his abusive alcoholic mother, his real hurt is just begining -- he has no place to call home. This is Dave Pelzer's long-awaited sequel to A Child Called "It". In The Los...
"A living example that all of us have the capability to better ourselves no matter what the odds . . .Dave Pelzer inspires us all." (Jack Canfield, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul) As nearly four million readers have learned from his three previous books, Dave Pelzer doesn't believe in feeling sorry for himself. Abused mercilessly by his mother as a child, Dave has taken everything ...
Book DescriptionMore than six million readers can attest to the heartbreak and courage of Dave Pelzer?s story of growing up in an abusive home. His inspirational books have helped countless others triumph over hardship and misfortune.
The following content was provided by the publisher. "All those years you tried your best to break me, and I'm still here. One day you'll see, I'm going to make something of myself". These words were Dave Pelzer's declaration of independence to his mother, and they represented the ultimate act of self-reliance. Dave's father never intervened as his mother abused him with ...
Dave Pelzer continues his tireless crusade against despair with Help Yourself for Teens, an uplifting new book written specifically for young adults. Sharing stories of his own adolescent struggles—fighting for his life against his alcoholic mother and enduring outrageous oppression at the hands of bullies and false friends—Pelzer imparts advice to help young people rise above their circumstanc...
Self-help expert Dave Pelzer teaches readers how to let go of the past and use negative experiences to make them stronger when tackling the future. "Learning from our prior experiences, we can, and should, aspire to fulfill our dreams, making life better not only for ourselves but for others around us," Dave writes in the introduction. "I am of the belief that you do not have to be a mayor of ...
From A Child Called “It” to The Lost Boy, from A Man Named Dave to Help Yourself, Dave Pelzer’s inspirational books have helped countless others triumph over hardship and misfortune. In The Privilege of Youth, he shares the missing chapter of his life: as a boy on the threshold of adulthood. With sensitivity and insight, he recounts the relentless taunting he endured from bullies; but he also de...