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Книги Graham Higgins

Graham Higgins - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Mort: A Discworld Big Comic, Guards! Guards!: A Discworld Graphic Novel. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Mort: A Discworld Big Comic
Mort: A Discworld Big Comic

An illustrated version of one of Terry Pratchett's comic science-fiction novels. Mort has been chosen as Death's apprentice. He gets board and lodging, free use of company horse, and doesn't even need time off for his grandmother's funeral. Looking like a skeleton is not compulsory, either.

Guards! Guards!: A Discworld Graphic Novel
Guards! Guards!: A Discworld Graphic Novel

Some night-time prowler is turning the (mostly) honest citizens of Ankh-Morpork into something resembling small charcoal biscuits. And that's a real problem for Captain Vimes, who must tramp the mean streets of the naked city looking for a seventy-foot-long fire-breathing dragon which, he believes, can help him with his enquiries. But there's more - now we get to see Ankh-Morpork in all ...