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Книги Джереми Кларксона

Джереми Кларксон - автор 21 книги. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Мир по Кларксону, Без тормозов. Мои годы в Top Gear, Рожденный разрушать. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

Год написания

Тип сюжета
Место действия
Время действия
Мир по Кларксону
Мир по Кларксону

Джереми Кларксон – самый скандальный, провокационный, неполиткорректный, циничный и брутальный журналист не только Британии, но и, возможно, всего мира. Тексты Кларксона, искрящиеся остроумием и раздающие пощечины общественному вкусу, вызывают у читателей самые неоднозначные эмоции – от гневного возмущения до восхищения, граничащего с преклонением. Воскресная колонка Кларксона в Sunday Times –...

Мемуары и биографии
Без тормозов. Мои годы в Top Gear
Без тормозов. Мои годы в Top Gear

Впервые в России – собрание лучших текстов Джереми Кларксона, многолетнего ведущего Top Gear, самого популярного автошоу на Земле. Если вы еще не знакомы с Джереми, вы убедитесь, что этот человек способен рассказать об автомобилях ярче, злее и компетентнее всех на свете. Но свое мнение у него есть и по поводу мироздания и самых разных событий. И вот здесь о тормозах он забывает. Именно поэтому его...

Рожденный разрушать
Рожденный разрушать

Книга обо все понемногу: об автомобилях и Британии, о лондонской кухне и албанских эмигрантах. О войне в Ираке и московских миллионерах, о Стивене Фрае и изменении климата.

Автомобили по Кларксону
Автомобили по Кларксону

Эта книга — собрание статей знаменитого британского журналиста и телеведущего Джереми Кларксона. Большинство из этих статей описывают, ругают или хвалят самые разные марки и модели автомобилей. Нет машины, за рулем которой не посидел бы Джереми. Нет темы, на которую он не высказался бы между делом с изящным аристократическим цинизмом. В его жилах течет смесь бензина с никотином, а его шутки способ...

Все для автолюбителя
Могло быть и хуже...
Могло быть и хуже...

Новая книга Джереми Кларксона, конечно, об автомобилях - спорткарах и внедорожниках, лидерах и аутсайдерах, очень дорогих и вполне бюджетных. Но не только. Она о людях и взаимоотношениях, политике и войнах, мишленовских ресторанах и белых медведях, Москве и принце Чарльзе. Неважно, на чем вы ездите: если вы любите настоящий английский юмор, едкие, словно сжатые пружиной слова, яд, иронию и сарказм...

The World According to Clarkson
The World According to Clarkson

The world is an exciting and confusing place for Jeremy Clarkson - a man who can find the overgrown schoolboy in us all. In The World According to Clarkson, one of the country's funniest comic writers has free reign to expose absurdity, celebrate eccentricity and entertain richly in the process. And the net is cast wide: from the chronic unsuitablity of men to look after children for long per...

Вокруг света с Кларксоном. Особенности национальной езды
Вокруг света с Кларксоном. Особенности национальной езды

Знаменитый британский журналист, циник и острослов Джереми Кларксон (ведущий программы TopGear на телеканале «Би-би-си») совершил путешествие вокруг света и в своей неповторимой манере рассказал, как обстоят дела с автомобилями (а заодно и со многими другими вещами) в разных странах мира.

Современная проза
For Crying Out Loud: v.3: The World According to Clarkson, v.3
For Crying Out Loud: v.3: The World According to Clarkson, v.3

The publication of "The World According to Clarkson" in 2004 launched a multi-million-copy bestselling phenomenon. But to no avail. Jeremy's one-man war on crimes against common sense has not yet been won. And our hero's still scratching his head at the madness of it all. But it's not all bad. He's learnt a little along the way, including: - Why binge drinking is good for...

The World According to Clarkson: Volume 2: And Another Thing…
The World According to Clarkson: Volume 2: And Another Thing…

Jeremy Clarkson finds the world such a perplexing place that he wrote a bestselling book about it. Yet, despite the appearance of The World According to Clarkson, things - amazingly - haven't improved. Not being someone to give up easily, however, he's decided to have another go. ln And Another Thing ... the king of the exasperated quip discovers that: - Bombing North Carolina is bad for York...

I Know You Got Soul
I Know You Got Soul

It will come as no surprise to anyone that Jeremy Clarkson loves machines. But it's not just any old bucket of bolts, cogs and bearings that puts that rings his bell. In fact, he's scoured the length and and breadth of the land, plunged into oceans and taken to the skies in search of those rare machines with that elusive certain something. - and along the way he's discovered: ...

How Hard Can It Be?: The World According to Clarkson Volume 4
How Hard Can It Be?: The World According to Clarkson Volume 4

Jeremy Clarkson had a dream. A world where the nonsensical made sense, the idiotic was abolished and the sheer bloody brilliant was embraced. In How Hard Can It Be? our hero embarks on a quest to set the world to rights. Again. En-route he discovers how rhubarb will become the new crack, that a comb over will end anyone's quest for global domination and what unites a Filipino chambermaid in Abe...

Is It Really Too Much To Ask?
Is It Really Too Much To Ask?

Is It Really Too Much To Ask? is the fifth book in Jeremy Clarkson's bestselling The World According to Clarkson series. Well, someone's got to do it: in a world which simply will not see reason, Jeremy sets off on another quest to beat a path of sense through all the silliness and idiocy. And there's no knowign what might catch Jeremy's eye along the way. It could be: the merits of Stonehenge as ...

Юмористическая проза
Born to Be Riled
Born to Be Riled

Jeremy Clarkson, it has to be said, sometimes finds the world a maddening place. And nowhere more so than from behind the wheel of a car, where you can see any number of people acting like lunatics while in control (or not) of a ton of metal. In this collection of classic columns, first published in 1999, Jeremy takes a look at the world through his windscreen, shakes his head at what he sees - a...

Driven to Distraction
Driven to Distraction

Brace yourself, Clarkson's back. And he'd like to tell you what he thinks about some of the most awe-inspiring, earth-shatteringly fast and jaw-droppingly gorgeous cars in the world (alongside a few irredeemable disasters...). Or he would, if there weren't so many things competing for his attention first. So much to get off his chest. The world according to Clarkson is a perplexing ...

How Hard Can It Be?
How Hard Can It Be?

Jeremy Clarkson had a dream... A world where the nonsensical made sense, the idiotic was abolished and the sheer bloody brilliant was embraced. In "How Hard Can It Be?" our hero embarks on a quest to set the world to rights. Again. En-route he discovers how rhubarb will become the new crack, that a comb over will end anyone's quest for global domination and what unites a Filipino chambermaid in Ab...

As I Was Saying
As I Was Saying

As I Was Saying . . . is the seventh book in Jeremy Clarkson's best-selling The World According to Clarkson series. Crikey, the world according to Clarkson's been a funny old place of late . . . For a while, Jeremy could be found in his normal position as the tallest man on British television but, more recently, he appears to have been usurped by a pretend elephant. But on paper the real...

Юмористическая проза
What Could Possibly Go Wrong...
What Could Possibly Go Wrong...

"What Could Possibly Go Wrong..." is the sixth book in Jeremy Clarkson's bestselling The World According to Clarkson series. No one writes about cars like Jeremy Clarkson. While most correspondents are too buys diving straight into BHP, MPG and MPH, Jeremy appreciates that there are more important things to life. Don't worry, we'll get to the cars. Eventually. But first we should co...

Round the Bend
Round the Bend

What's it like to drive a car that's actively trying to kill you? This and many other burning questions trouble Jeremy Clarkson as he sets out to explore the world from the safety of four wheels. Avoiding the legions of power-crazed traffic wombles attempting to block highway and byway, he: shows how the world of performance cars may be likened to Battersea Dogs' Home; reveals why S...

The World According to Clarkson: Volume 5: Is It Really Too Much To Ask?
The World According to Clarkson: Volume 5: Is It Really Too Much To Ask?

IS IT REALLY TOO MUCH TO ASK... For short people to finally admit they're shrubs? For Prince William to dress as Ronald McDonald? For children to learn to always let dad win? In volume five of THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CLARKSON, Jeremy continues to beat a path of sense through the tangled forests of cluelessness and everyday idiocy. On the way he suggests new ways to improve the world: - Re...

Don't Stop Me Now
Don't Stop Me Now

There's more to life than cars. Jeremy Clarkson knows this. There is, after all a whole world out there just waiting to be discovered. So, before, he gets on to torque steer and active suspension, he takes time to consider: - the madness of Galapagos tortoises; - the similarities between Jeremy Paxman and AC/DC's bass guitarist; - the problems and perils of being English; - God�...