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Книги Джеймса Бакена

Джеймс Бакен - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Frozen Desire: The Meaning of Money, Days of God. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Frozen Desire: The Meaning of Money
Frozen Desire: The Meaning of Money

Novelist Buchan, a former correspondent for the Financial Times, traces the meaning of money since its beginning. He discusses money in its various formats, emphasizing that money itself is not just an object but "an outcome of a vast mountain of social arrangements." Various scenarios depict the role of money in love, war, religion, and other areas of human culture. Buchan uses many historical an...

Days of God
Days of God

'James Buchan trains a more scientific eye on how Iran's wealth-creator king was replaced with a Shia divine uninterested in modern government. He mines the literature in Persian and English to better effect than any historian so far ... Why did the shah's subjects not accept his notion of history racing to a conclusion in prosperity's glow? In this fine, elegantly written book...