Уолтер Джон де ла Мэр - автор 21 книги. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Песня сна, Сыграем в прятки, Снег. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Сборник стихотворений английского поэта-классика, состоящий из трех разделов: стихи о детстве, игровые и сказочно-сюжетные стихотворения, лирические стихотворения.
Классическое рождественское стихотворение Уолтера Дэ Ла Мэра впервые было опубликовано в 1924 году. А на этот раз оно очень гармонично сочетается со стильными, современными иллюстрациями Каролины Рабей. В книге прекрасно передана уютная атмосфера холодного, зимнего дня, добрые отношения между членами семьи и уютное ощущение предвкушения праздника. К тому же иллюстрированные стихи являются отличным...
In this new selection from the poetry of Walter de la Mare (the first of its kind for fifty years), Matthew Sweeney draws on the full range of his published work, from Poems (1906) to O Lovely England (1953), and includes a generous selection of the poems and rhymes for children. 'From his children and ghosts one learns little about children and nothing about ghosts, but one learns a great de...
Miss M., a pretty and diminutive young woman with a passion for shells, fossils, flints, butterflies and stuffed animals, struggles to deal with her isolation from the rest of society due to her extraordinarily small size. When her father dies, she must make her own way in a world that treats her as an entertaining curiosity, a momentary diversion from the game of making ones way up the social lad...
Эта таинственная и поучительная история случилась во времена шекспировской Англии с ненасытным скрягой и его учениками–трубочистиками. Сочинил ее один из лучших английских детских поэтов и сказочников 20 века.
Walter John de la Mare (1873-1956) was an English poet, short story writer and novelist, probably best remembered for his works for children, which include "The Three Mulla-Mulgars" (1910).
Reviews: 'This is a fantastic (in every sense) book of tales.' - Ian McMillan, The Times, 14th July, 2007. 'A beautiful edition of supernatural English fiction, subtle and disquieting rather than out and out frightening.' - Stuart Maconie, The Guardian, 13th February 2008. 'Best known as a poet and a writer of children?s fiction, Walter de la Mare can also dese...
17 short stories. These include: Dick and the Beanstalk; The Dutch Cheese; A Penny a Day; The Scarecrow; The Three Sleeping Boys of Warwickshire; The Lovely Myfanwy; Lucy; Miss Jemima; The Magic Jacket and many more
Lots of people know that Walter de la Mare was a fantastic poet, but his weird fiction is much less well known. It shouldn't be -- he was a marvelous fantasist, and The Return is a heck of a book. Arthur Lawford, recovering from a long bout with influenza, takes a fateful walk in an old cemetery one afternoon, returning a changed man who neither his wife, nor his friends, nor himself -- recog...