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Книги George Mallory

George Mallory - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Climbing Everest: The Complete Writings of George Leigh Mallory, Everest Reconnaissance: The First Expedition of 1921. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Climbing Everest: The Complete Writings of George Leigh Mallory
Climbing Everest: The Complete Writings of George Leigh Mallory

In Climbing Everest, George Mallory (18 June 1886 - 8/9 June 1924), possibly the first man to summit Everest, takes us with him on his climbs in Britain and the Alps, culminating in his three expeditions to Mount Everest - the last of which cost him his life (a few days after the final piece in this book). Mallory was one of the first climbers to explore the emotional meaning of climbing, discardi...

Everest Reconnaissance: The First Expedition of 1921
Everest Reconnaissance: The First Expedition of 1921

Charles Howard-Bury led the first official reconnaisance expedition to Everest in 1921. This is the account of that journey with George Mallory and others to investigate approaches to the world's highest and until then largely inaccessible mountain.