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Книги Криса Бохджаляна

Крис Бохджалян - автор 6 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Девушки песчаного замка, Skeletons at the Feast, The Sleepwalker. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Девушки песчаного замка
Девушки песчаного замка

Роман «Девушки песчаного замка» признан бестселлером по версиям многих ведущих мировых СМИ, таких как New York Times, Associated Press, Washington Post, USA Today, журнал People и т.д. Oprah.com называет эту книгу обязательной для чтения, а тематические авторитетные издания Library Journal и Kirkus Reviews объявили роман Криса Бохджаляна лучшей книгой 2012 года. Крис Бохджалян считается одним из с...

Современная проза
Skeletons at the Feast
Skeletons at the Feast

A masterful love story set against a backdrop of epic history and unforgettable courage In the waning months of World War II, a small group of people begin the longest journey of their lives. At the center is eighteen-year-old Anna, the daughter of Prussian aristocrats, and her first love, a twenty-year-old Scottish prisoner of war named Callum. With his boyish good looks and his dedication ...

The Sleepwalker
The Sleepwalker

When Annalee Ahlberg goes missing, her children fear the worst. Annalee is a sleepwalker whose affliction manifests in ways both bizarre and devastating. Once, she merely destroyed the hydrangeas in front of her Vermont home. More terrifying was the night her older daughter, Lianna, pulled her back from the precipice of the Gale River bridge. The morning of Annalee's disappearance, a search party ...

Современная проза

With a suspense, lyricism, and moral complexity that recall To Kill a Mockingbird and Presumed Innocent, this compulsively readable novel explores what happens when a woman who has devoted herself to ushering life into the world finds herself charged with responsibility in a patient's tragic death. The time is 1981, and Sibyl Danforth has been a dedicated midwife in the rural community of Reddi...

The Night Strangers
The Night Strangers

From the bestselling author of The Double Bind, Skeletons at the Feast, and Secrets of Eden, comes a riveting and dramatic ghost story. In a dusty corner of a basement in a rambling Victorian house in northern New Hampshire, a door has long been sealed shut with 39 six-inch-long carriage bolts. The home's new owners are Chip and Emily Linton and their twin ten-year-old daughters...

Sekrety Edenu
Sekrety Edenu

George Hayward, szanowany czlonek spokojnej spolecznosci sielankowego Haverill, morduje swoja zone, po czym popelnia samobojstwo. Oczywiscie tragedia ta wstrzasa calym miasteczkiem. Wsrod najbardziej poruszonych jest nie tylko pietnastoletnia corka tragicznie zmarlej pary, lecz takze pastor kosciola baptystow, ktory ledwie kilka godzin przed mordem ochrzcil Alice Hayward. Tymczasem prowadzaca sled...