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Книги Rae Earl

Rae Earl - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: My Fat, Mad Teenage Diary, My Madder Fatter Diary. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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My Fat, Mad Teenage Diary
My Fat, Mad Teenage Diary

It's 1989 and Rae is a fat, boy-mad 17-year-old girl, living in Stamford, Lincolnshire with her mum and their deaf white cat in a council house with a mint off-green bath suite and a larder Rae can't keep away from. This is the hilarious and touching real-life diary she kept during that fateful year - with characters like her evil friend Bethany, Bethany's besotted boyfriend, and the boys from the...

My Madder Fatter Diary
My Madder Fatter Diary

RAE'S BACK! But now it's 1990. The Berlin wall is down and the Happy Mondays are up, really up, but the new decade's brought new mortifications for Rae Earl and she's MADDER and FATTER than ever. About to enter the most important year of her life - her actual bloody A Level year - everyone expects her to concentrate on schoolwork but how can she when Haddock's backside is ...