Линли Додд - автор 11 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Храбрый Пушок ростом с вершок, Тишка-плутишка, My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Мы открыли нового автора книг для самых маленьких. На самом деле на книжках Линли Додд, писательницы и художника из Новой Зеландии, выросли уже несколько поколений детей. А в России ее имя пока неизвестно. Но, зная, какой магической силой обладают ее ритмичные, веселые стихи и живые, обаятельные иллюстрации, мы не сомневаемся - малыши от 2-х лет эти книги будут обожать. Знакомьтесь, это Пушок. Это...
А вот еще одна книжка новозеландской писательницы и художника Линли Додд. На этот раз - про совершенно очаровательного кота. Он играет с опавшими листьями, лениво подставляет солнцу свой черный живот. Когда же город засыпает, Тишка превращается в настоящего грабителя, крадущегося под покровом ночи. Желанная добыча не ускользнет из его цепких лап! Но однажды Тишка зашел слишком далеко, был пойман и...
Hairy Maclary's friends join him for a walk until, with a sudden yowl, a wail and a howl, they all run off. What could have caused such a scatter of paws?
"Scarface Claw" is a hilarious rhyming story by Lynley Dodd. Big, bullying tom cat, Scarface Claw, Hairy Maclary's arch-enemy, is at the centre of this story. But like most bullies, Scarface turns out to be not quite as tough as he and the other animals think when he is scared by his own reflection. Lynley Dodd is an award-winning author/illustrator who lives in New Zealand. She is enormously...
Scarface Claw, the biggest cat in the neighbourhood, is out exploring when he gets stuck up a tree. The noise is terrible - so terrible that it draws Hairy Maclary and all his friends from Donaldson's Dairy to investigate. Young children will love to join in making all the different noises.
"Scarface Claw" is a hilarious rhyming story by Lynley Dodd. Big, bullying tom cat, Scarface Claw, Hairy Maclary's arch-enemy, is at the centre of this story. But like most bullies, Scarface turns out to be not quite as tough as he and the other animals think when he is scared by his own reflection. Lynley Dodd is an award-winning author/illustrator who lives in New Zealand. She is enormously...
"Slinky Malinki" is a hilarious rhyming story by Lynley Dodd. "Slinky Malinki" steals anything from a clothes peg, to a slipper, to a string of sausages, to a clock! Our hero is a BAD cat! The story is told in wonderful rhyme and through pictures full of life and movement. Lynley Dodd is an award-winning author/illustrator who lives in New Zealand. She is enormously popular for her rhyming stories...
"Hairy Maclary felt bumptious and bustly, bossy and bouncy and frisky and hustly". Hairy Maclary, everyone's favourite dog, is busy chasing and hustling all the neighbourhood cats from Slinky Malinki to Pimpernel Pugh. But when he comes face to face with Scarface Claw, the toughest tomcat in town, it's Hairy Maclary's turn to be bustled, rustled and hustled!
Slinky Malinki's the most rapscallion cat of all, is watching and waiting in the shadows while the glimmering, shimmering Christmas tree is decorated. Will he be able to resist the twinkle and tinsel of the glorious, tempting tree?
This is a lift-the-flap, hide-and-seek board book featuring Lynley Dodd's favourite canine characters. Where is Hairy Maclary? Is he hiding in the tree? No, that's Scarface Claw! Is he playing in the water? No, that's Zachary Quack! With it's simple question and answer formula, this very young, fun and interactive flap book is perfect for small hands. Look under the flaps to find Hairy Maclary and...