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Книги Sabine Wilms

Sabine Wilms - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Qiological 43. The Resonant Hum of Yin and Yang, Exploring Ancient Wisdom with Classical Chinese Medicine Scholar Sabine Wilms. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Qiological 43. The Resonant Hum of Yin and Yang
Qiological 43. The Resonant Hum of Yin and Yang

Chinese is not that easy, and the 文言文 (wen yan wen) the classical Chinese, that stuff is a whole other order of magnitude in challenge to the modern Western mind. And yet if we are going to practice this medicine with deep roots into a long gone time and culture, we need access to the stepping stones that have been handed down to us over centuries through books and writing. Translating lan...

Exploring Ancient Wisdom with Classical Chinese Medicine Scholar Sabine Wilms
Exploring Ancient Wisdom with Classical Chinese Medicine Scholar Sabine Wilms

Why ancient wisdom is so relevant for finding health and harmony in today’s world? Join Heiner and Laurie for a lively discussion with Dr. Sabine Wilms, world-renown expert on the life and works of ancient sage-scholar Sun Simiao (581-682 A.D.). Known as the “King of Medicine” (Yaowang), Sun Simiao is revered not only for his medical acumen (especially in the realm of herbal prescription), but...