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Книги Alfred Watkins

Alfred Watkins - автор 1 книги. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The old straight track: its mounds, beacons, moats, sites, and markstones. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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The old straight track: its mounds, beacons, moats, sites, and markstones
The old straight track: its mounds, beacons, moats, sites, and markstones

The Old Straight Track was written by Alfred Watkins, a Herefordshire-based antiquarian, businessman and photography pioneer, and first published in 1925. It is the book which introduced the concept of 'ley lines'. Although later adopted by the New Age movement to mean lines of 'earth energies', Watkins' original vision was simply of a system of alignments of natural and m...