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Cory Doctorow

Eastern Standard Tribe


"Utterly contemporary and deeply peculiar-a hard combination to beat (or, these days, to find). "

— William Gibson. Author of Neuromancer

"Cory Doctorow knocks me out. In a good way. "

— Pat Cadigan. Author of Synners

"Cory Doctorow is just far enough ahead of the game to give you that authentic chill of the future, and close enough to home for us to know that he's talking about where we live as well as where we're going to live; a connected world full of disconnected people. One of whom is about to lobotomise himself through the nostril with a pencil. Funny as hell and sharp as steel. "

— Warren Ellis. Author of Transmetropolitan

A note about this book:

The future is my business, more or less. I'm a science fiction writer.

One way to know the future is to look good and hard at the present. Here's a thing I've noticed about the present: more people are reading more words off of more screens than ever before. Here's another thing I've noticed about the present: fewer people are reading fewer words off of fewer pages than ever before. That doesn't mean that the book is dying—no more than the advent of the printing press and the de-emphasis of Bible-copying monks meant that the book was dying-but it does mean that the book is changing. I think that literature is alive and well: we're reading our brains out! I just think that the complex social practice of "book"-of which a bunch of paper pages between two covers is the mere expression-is transforming and will transform further.

I intend on figuring out what it's transforming into. I intend on figuring out the way that some writers-that this writer, right here, wearing my underwear-is going to get rich and famous from his craft. I intend on figuring out how this writer's words can become part of the social discourse, can be relevant in the way that literature at its best can be.