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Автор Мейв Бинчи



Copyright © 2014 by Gordon Snell

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House LLC, New York, a Penguin Random House company.

Simultaneously published in the United Kingdom by Orion Books, an imprint of the Orion Publishing Group Ltd. , a Hachette U. K. company, London.

Knopf, Borzoi Books, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Random House LLC.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Binchy, Maeve. Chestnut Street / Maeve Binchy. — First Edition.       pages cm   ISBN 978-0-385-35185-0 (hardback) —   ISBN 978-0-385-35186-7 (eBook) 1.

Families—Fiction. 2. Domestic fiction. I. Title. PR6052. 17728C53 2014 823’. 914—dc23                 2013041009

Jacket illustration by William Low Jacket design by Carol Devine Carson

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Other Books by This Author

Title Page



Dolly’s Mother

It’s Only a Day

Fay’s New Uncle

A Problem of My Own

All That Matters

Joyce and the Blind Date

Liberty Green

The Cure for Sleeplessness

Miss Ranger’s Reward

Decision in Dublin

The Wrong Caption

Star Sullivan

Taxi Men Are Invisible

A Card for Father’s Day

The Gift of Dignity

The Investment

The Leap of Faith

Lilian’s Hair

Flowers from Grace

The Builders

Bucket Maguire

The Older Man

Philip and the Flower Arrangers

Reasonable Access

By the Time We Get to Clifden

The Women Who Righted Wrongs

The Sighting

The Lottery of the Birds

Madame Magic

Say Nothing

Eager to Please

Seeing Things Clearly

Fair Exchange

The Window Box

Finn’s Future

One Night a Year

A Note About the Author

Reading Group Guide


The places Maeve created in her novels and stories—Knockglen, Castlebay, Mountfern, and so many others—became just as real for her readers as those of the real Ireland. In fact the Irish Tourist Board often had to explain to visitors that they couldn’t actually get on a bus or train to go and see them.

Chestnut Street, too, is fictional, but the Dublin portrayed there is very real: a city changing over the years in ways that come vividly to life in these stories of its residents and their families.