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Автор Mindy McGinnis


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Copyright © 2017 by Mindy McGinnis.

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G. P. Putnam’s Sons is a registered trademark of Penguin Random House LLC.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: McGinnis, Mindy, author.

Title: Given to the sea / Mindy McGinnis.

Description: New York, NY : G. P.

Putnam’s Sons, [2017]

Summary: “Khosa is destined to be sacrificed to the sea and struggles to understand her destiny as the kingdom comes under attack and the ocean threatens to destroy them all”—Provided by publisher.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016023508 | ISBN 9780399544613 (hardback)

Subjects: | CYAC: Fantasy. | Fate and fatalism—Fiction. | Human sacrifice—Fiction.

Kings, queens, rulers, etc. —Fiction. | Ocean—Fiction. | Islands—Fiction.

Classification: LCC PZ7. M4784747 Giv 2017 | DDC [Fic]—dc23

Ebook ISBN 9780399544637

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Jacket art © 2017 by Cliff Nielsen

Jacket design by Maria Fazio


For Jim & Joe—I’m not dead yet.


Title Page



Chapter 1: Khosa

Chapter 2: Vincent

Chapter 3: Dara

Chapter 4: Witt

Chapter 5: Khosa

Chapter 6: Vincent

Chapter 7: Witt

Chapter 8: Dara

Chapter 9: Khosa

Chapter 10: Vincent

Chapter 11: Dara

Chapter 12: Vincent

Chapter 13: Dara

Chapter 14: Vincent

Chapter 15: Vincent

Chapter 16: Khosa

Chapter 17: Khosa

Chapter 18: Witt

Chapter 19: Vincent

Chapter 20: Dara

Chapter 21: Khosa

Chapter 22: Dara

Chapter 23: Khosa

Chapter 24: Khosa

Chapter 25: Vincent

Chapter 26: Witt

Chapter 27: Vincent

Chapter 28: Dara

Chapter 29: Khosa

Chapter 30: Vincent

Chapter 31: Khosa

Chapter 32: Vincent

Chapter 33: Witt

Chapter 34: Khosa

Chapter 35: Dara

Chapter 36: Vincent

Chapter 37: Khosa

Chapter 38: Vincent

Chapter 39: Dara

Chapter 40: Khosa

Chapter 41: Witt

Chapter 42: Vincent

Chapter 43: Vincent

Chapter 44: Khosa

Chapter 45: Witt

Chapter 46: Vincent

Chapter 47: Khosa

Chapter 48: Vincent

Chapter 49: Witt

Chapter 50: Khosa

Chapter 51: Dara

Chapter 52: Vincent

Chapter 53: Dara

Chapter 54: Witt

Chapter 55: Khosa

Chapter 56: Witt

Chapter 57: Vincent

Chapter 58: Khosa

Chapter 59: Vincent

Chapter 60: Vincent

Chapter 61: Dara

Chapter 62: Witt

Chapter 63: Khosa

Chapter 64: Vincent

Chapter 65: Witt

Chapter 66: Dara

Chapter 67: Khosa

Chapter 68: Vincent

Chapter 69: Khosa

Chapter 70: Vincent

Chapter 71: Dara

Chapter 72: Vincent

Chapter 73: Witt