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Автор D.J. MacHale

D. J. MacHale

Black Water



That’s what this was ail about.

It was also about saving humanity from being crushed by a villainous demon named Saint Dane, but that was a little much for Mark Dimond and Courtney Chetwynde to tackle right off the bat. They figured becoming acolytes was the best way to ease into the whole universe-saving thing. The two friends sat together on a musty old couch in a small New York City apartment. They were there to learn the mysterious ways of the acolytes. Not exactly dramatic surroundings, considering they were hearing words that would change their lives forever.

“You are the acolytes from Second Earth now,” said Tom Dorney, whose apartment it was. “With Press gone, I’m no longer needed. It may be an easy job compared to what the Travelers do, but I think you’ll agree it’s an important one. ”

“We do. Absolutely. Yessir,” Mark and Courtney assured him.

Dorney turned to look out his window and frowned. He was an old guy with short-cropped gray hair and excellent posture. He was once a soldier. Old habits die hard.

“Is there something you’re not telling us?” Courtney asked.

Dorney sighed and said, “It’s just a feeling. ” ”What?” she demanded.

“I don’t know,” Dorney said, troubled. “I didn’t like what I heard about Veelox. ”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Courtney said.

“What I mean to say is, be careful. Saint Dane has finally had a victory, and there’s no telling what’s next. From this point on, I can’t guarantee that the old rules still apply. ”

This was chilling news for Mark and Courtney on their first official day as acolytes.

Dorney’s ominous warning was very much on their minds as they left his apartment and took the train back to Stony Brook, Connecticut. Just before the train pulled into Stony Brook Station, Mark announced, “I want to go to the flume. ”

“Why?” Courtney asked.

“We’ll bring some of our clothes to leave there. ”

“But nobody told us they needed clothes,” Courtney countered.

“I know. Just thinking ahead. ”

“That’s just an excuse to go there, isn’t it?” Courtney asked.

Mark didn’t argue. “I guess I just want to see it again. To prove it’s real. ”

“I hear you,” Courtney said. “I do too. ”

When they got off the train, they both went home and gathered up a bunch of clothes they thought a Traveler from some distant territory might need on a visit to Second Earth. That’s what acolytes did. They supported the Travelers on their mission to protect Halla. Courtney picked out a bunch of simple, functional things like jeans, T-shirts, a sweater, socks, hiking boots, and underwear. She debated about bringing one of her bras, but figured that was overkill. Mark gathered up a bunch of clothes that were totally out of style. It wasn’t like he had a choice. That’s all he had. He found sweatshirts with logos that meant nothing, no-name jeans, and generic sneakers. Style was not something Mark concerned himself with. He hoped the Travelers felt the same way.

Mark brought one extra item, but hoped he wouldn’t need it. It was the sharp poker from his parents’ fireplace. It was a woefully inadequate weapon to deal with an attacking quig-dog, but it was all he could find.