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Автор Денисов И.Н.

ПРАКТИКУМ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОГО ЗДОРОВЬЯ И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ I. N. Denisov, D. I. Kicha, A. V. Fomina, O. S. Saurina PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE PRACTICE Study Guide Medical Informational Agency Moscow 2016 И. Н. Денисов, Д. И. Кича, А. В. Фомина, О. С. Саурина ПРАКТИКУМ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОГО ЗДОРОВЬЯ И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ Учебное пособие Рекомендовано ГБОУ ВПО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет имени И. М. Сеченова в качестве учебного пособия для студентов образовательных учреждений высшего профессионального образования, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки «Лечебное дело», «Педиатрия» (дисциплина «Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение, экономика здравоохранения»), «Медико-профилактическое дело», «Стоматология» (дисциплина «Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение») Медицинское информационное агентство Москва 2016 UDC 614. 2(075. 8) Authors: I. N. Denisov, D. I. Kicha, A. V. Fomina, O. S. Saurina, I. E. Yesaulenko. O. E. Konovalov, A.
S. Makaryan, I. V. Pachgin, A. R. Belyavskiy. Reviewers: N. V. Polunina, V. L. Krasnenkov. Denisov I. N. Public Health and Health Care Practice: Study Guide / I. N. Denisov, D. I. Kicha, A. V. Fomina, O. S. Saurina. — M. : Medical Informational Agency, 2016. — 456 p. ISBN 978-5-9986-0230-6 The study guide contains practical course of the analysis and evaluation of the Public health and health care using information technologies and analysis of the telemedical systems. It is one of the first materials presenting basic statistical estimates and variables of the Public health, medical system and healthcare services, parametric and non-para- metric methods for data analysis, correlation analysis, analysis of variance and regression analysis in a simple graphical form with the examples of simulation tasks. Practical ways of statistical evaluation of the Public health, medical system and healthcare services using statistical dialogue system software described in detail as well as automated computer- based systems and telemedical technologies in medicine and healthcare. Effective adoption of the knowledge and skills has been promoted by the first time presented simulation tasks consisting of complex diagramms and figures, designed by the author team or taken from different open educational sources. Publication has been arranged fully in line with the governmental education standard (GES) declared by the program for improvement of the Public health and health care, medical information technologies and telemedicine of the Russian Federation and has nothing in common with a general theory on the subject. The publication complies with the FSES 3+: OK-1, OK-5, OPK-3, OPK-11, PK-4, PK-18, PK-22 within the «Public health and health care» program, validated by the cor- responding medical department of the PFUR — Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.