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Автор Макарова Е.А.

Российская экономическая академия им. Г. В. Плеханова Международная академия футбольной и спортивной индустрии А. В. Орлов, М. Н. Демеш, Е. А. Макарова ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ СПОРТ Государство, Менеджмент, Право (футбол — бокс — теннис) Монография Под редакцией доктора экономических наук, профессора, академика РАЕН А. В. Орлова Издание второе, переработанное и дополненное ПАЛЕОТИП Москва 2008 1 The Russian economic academy by G. V. Plechanov The international Academy the football and sports industry (IAFSI) А. V. Orlov, M. N. Demesh, Е. А. Makarova PROFESSIONAL SPORT: State, Management, Law (Football − Boxing − Tennis) Edited by Professor A. V. Orlov, PhD, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Second edition Moscow 2008 3 AUTHORS: Orlov A. V. project leader, professor. Introduction, Part II, Con- clusion (§3 chapter IV prepared by O. Babkina; § 2 chap- ter V was used materials of G. Sorokina and K.
Bogacheva, chapter VII – review prepared by M. Chuyko and M. Stupany) Participants: Demesh M. N. Chapter V (§ 1; 2; 4) of Part II, Makarova Е. А. Part I, Chapter VI of Part II This book is devoted to all the great sportsmen that made our country famous: L. Y. Yashin, K. Y. Beskov, N. F. Korolev and others. This monograph aims at readers from a wide background: sportsmen, faculty, scientists, PhD and other students. It continues the project entitled “Management in Sports” which was launched by the International Academy of Football and Sports Industry in the years 2003—2004 by preparing new educational programs for managers of football clubs of the first league and the second division. The project proceeded further in the paper “Basic Management in Sports – Football” written by Professor A. V. Orlov and published in Мoscow, 2004 by Paleotip. The project also found development within State Governance and Management Department at Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics where in 2005—2007 a number of research projects and publica- tions by PhD students focused on the issues in line with the above-mentioned topic. To continue this project, we plan to publish a new book on Corporate Management and Budgeting in Professional Sports Industry with a focus on football, basketball, and hockey. This issue will include recent research on management and budgeting in professional sports clubs. Authors thank Professor M. Y. Ioffe, PhD, honorable academic of Rus- sia, the rector of the Institute of Economics and Finance “Synergy” and the member of the International Academy of Football and Sports Industry; President of the Professional Football League N. V.