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Автор Hamish McRae


What Works

Success in Stressful Times

To Frances, Izzy and Alex

List of Contents

This is a book about success. It is about success in good times and bad. Its twenty examples come from every corner of the planet. It encompasses organizations and communities as diverse as the world’s best university and the world’s best slum. Of course, none of these stories is a tale of perfection and each example has flaws. But they are examples of collective human endeavour that I have found both humbling and inspiring and which I believe have powerful common messages for all of us. By understanding what works, we can make other things work better-the aspects of our daily life that we can improve. By any rational calculation the world is better placed now to make good choices about the future of our species and our planet.

We are better educated than ever before; have better health and better information; technology continues to leap forward; and, of course, we are-notwithstanding the odd bump-richer than ever before. But if we are to face the many challenges we have to try to learn from each other. We all have to do it. It is the millions of acts by ordinary people that will eventually make a difference. In a modest way, it is to help us make a difference that I have tried to tell the stories in this book.