Философия уголовного права
Составление докт. юрид. наук, профессора Ю. В. Голика, А. Ю. Голик
Anthology of Jurisprudence
Saint Petersburg
R. Aslanov Publishing House
«Yuridichesky Center Press»
Редакционная коллегия серии «Антология юридической науки»
Editorial Board of the Series “Anthology of Jurisprudence”
Философия уголовного права / Составление докт. юрид. наук, профессора Ю. В. Голика, А. Ю. Голик; редакция и вступительная статья докт. юрид. наук, профессора Ю. В. Голика. – СПб. : Издательство Р. Асланова «Юридический центр Пресс», 2004. – 348 с.
Philosophy of Criminal Law / Compiled by Doctor of Law, professor Yu. V Golik, A. Yu. Golik; edited and introductory article Doctor of Law, professor Yu. V Golik – St. Petersburg: R. Aslanov Publishing House “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2004. – 348 p.
In practice philosophy of criminal law has not been worked out by modern theory. At the same time theory of criminal law has already come to that stage when further advancement and real gains in the fight against crime are impossible without using sound philosophical basis.
The collection includes the works and fragments of works of famous lawyers of XIX–XX centuries, which as a rule are little known to the modern reader.
The book is addressed to researchers, pedagogues, students and post-graduates as well as to everybody who is interested in the problems of the fight against crime, and the questions of philosophy and contemporary being.
© Yu. V. Golik, compilation, editorship, introductory article, 2004 © A. Yu. Golik, compilation, preprinting, 2004 © R. Aslanov Publishing House “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2004
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