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Автор Рита Тальвердиева

Rita Talverdieva

The scent of bergamot

And Then There Were None

Agatha Christie

Under disguise of the myth

…There were rumors in the circle of some very high and respectable class of people: some guy works in the network as a «flying killer». Nickname is Maestro. Term of order execution is six months.

The price issue?

Warning: mere mortals couldn't afford that.

Ilya Zvezditsky was mortal, but not a simple one, he was a movie star! By his talent he is married to his audience, by certificate – to Inessa.

«Married to the capitals», as paparazzi sting him.

Yes, he's on a short leash made of diamonds. It scratches his skin, controls insane impulses. So what is Inessa, his pretty wife? Mistake?! Not at all. Inessa is his only chance! Warranty from sudden defaults and problems, free pass to a ball of carefree life. Perhaps, he will take his guest mask off very soon? The status of the host looks better. Almost. Just the diamond collar gets on the way…

But he pecked on a super cool thing of Maestro : impunity was marketed as guaranteed. Myth? A publicity stunt? A trick?!

Suspicion calmed down by starting terms : Maestro works without deposit and even without any advance payment. Tempting…

But actually there was one little problem, just one little point in an escape clause : not a single day for delay, work is done – you pay! Instead of Black Mark he sends a death.

That's right, nodded Ilya, one good turn deserves another.

So there's hope. The dream was coming true, emerging through scabs of the time. He outlined the terms of these rumors and … dare: whatever works! He will find Maestro.

Premonition whispered: under the disguise of the myth there was Maestro's playground.


Moscow, two months later, January, 2009.

A sparkling bathroom in retro style : white, without frills, tile; stylish tub on bronze lion's paws. The scent of bergamot in water sets your mind to an easy dreaming.

Completely nude, with a fringe designed in a strange way, Ilya looked at myself in the mirror. Here he quickly held a hand on his heart and gazed into his reflection. Scarlet drops swelled under the left nipple and streamed down the body. Without changing his facial expressions, he gently slipped into the water.

«Done!» He shouted and dropped into a corner what was clutched in his hand. A tube of ketchup hits ceramic floor.

Now photographer can proceed.

On grimace of pain, immense surprise, and astonishment they worked half a of the day. It was an obligation of the «Corridors of Time» («CT») magazine's motto : not a single tint of false. Imagination awakened and theme of issue was «Under aim of Fate». He got the «role» of Marat, who was stabbed to death by insidious Charlotte in his own bath.

«Identical face!» tweeted producer enthusiastically. «On the left would be reproduction of the „Death of Marat“ picture. And next, to the right, you pretending to be Marat in the same posture. A little makeup, a wig … Can't tell one from another, believe me» he sang the praises.